The bands (EP 3)

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Hi, y'all. Sorry for not updating this mini-series. This is gon' to be the said Midtown performance with DD and DP.


Peter stepped up the stage with DareDevil and Deadpool. They spent the last 3 days composing this song for Midtown, and it was all from the experience of the students. (MJ, Ned, and Peter)

The moment they stepped on the stage, the spotlight was facing them and thousands of eyes were on them, the students shouted their alter-ego's names. The cameraman was streaming live behind all the students, getting the best view of the mini-concert.

So in conclusion, there were millions of eyes on them. But it was okay. It's fine. They had more eyes on them.

Peter smiled under the mask before detaching the microphone from the stand.

"Hello, students of Midtown!" Peter greeted with joy in his voice, despite seeing these people his whole high school life. "I am Spider, as you all know, and you may know these people as well. But let's not get distracted. Thank you Betty Brant for recommending this school and thank you guys for coming!"


Deadpool strummed his guitar, making a loud boom echo through the auditorium. He continued strumming his guitar while the students cheered from their seats.

Then, DareDevil started singing.

"Whatever happened to the young, young lovers?"

While Peter tapped his launchpad, he continued.

"One got shot and the other got lost in drugs and punks and blood on the street."

"Blood, blood on her knees. Bloody history." DareDevil continued while Peter sang the background noise. "Yeah."

"Whatever happened to the hayloft?" DareDevil sang while Peter replied while singing. "Burnt to the ground, and what about Pop?"

"He took his ass back to the crack shack with his long johns on, singing that old song." Daredevil sang while the spotlights faded into a deep red. "My baby's got a gun, my baby's got a gun, my baby's got a gun, I better run."

Everyone was singing along to the lyrics, despite not even knowing them. But they still sang along.

"My baby's got a gun, it goes," DareDevil sang while Peter continued the lyrics. "Boom, boom, crack, ga-ga-ga-ga, boom, boom!"

Deadpool was strumming his guitar hastily while Peter was tapping his launchpad furiously, following Deadpool's rhythm while adjusting the sounds. The students were screaming and yelling the lyrics while some were recording the experience.

"An eye for an eye, a leg for a leg," Peter sang, looking at DareDevil. "A shot in the heart doesn't make it unbreak."

Suddenly, all the lights faded, only leaving the spotlight for Deadpool. "She really didn't wanna make it messy. She really, really didn't, but the girl gone cray!"

The stage lights all went on, temporarily blinding some of the students. "My baby's got a gun, my baby's got a gun, my baby's got a gun, I better run."

"My baby's got a gun, it goes. Boom, boom, crack, ga-ga-ga-ga, boom, boom." Peter sang.

"She crucify." DareDevil sang while Peter softly continued. "She crucify."

"She crucify." "She crucify."

"She crucify." "She crucify."

"Hey, Pop! You die, you die!" Deadpool sang from behind.

"My baby's got a gun, my baby's got a gun. My baby's got a gun, I better run. My baby's got a gun, it goes," Daredevil sang before Peter continued once again. "Boom, boom, crack, ga-ga-ga-ga, boom, boom."

"My baby's got a gun my baby's got a gun. My baby's got a gun, my baby's got a gun. My baby's got a gun, I better run. My baby's got a gun, it goes," "Boom, boom, crack, ga-ga-ga-ga, boom, ga-ga-ga-ga."

The spotlights fade again, leaving the light for Peter. "She's not a bad kid, she's not a bad kid. But she had to do it, she had to do it."

Another spotlight flashed on, shining it on Deadpool. "They're not a bad kid, but they had to do it. They couldn't, no. They had to face off." They sang together.

The third spotlight turned on, facing DareDevil. "She's not a bad kid, but they had to do it. She had to crack, she had to kill Pop." They all sang together, extending out 'Pop' as long as they can.

Deadpool strummed his guitar a few more times before the sound faded completely. Everyone was clapping at them, cheering loudly, and yelling out their love for them.

The 3 smiled and waved at the excited students before plugging out their equipment and leaving the stage with their things.

A few minutes later, Peter walked back on stage, grabbing a microphone that the students passed him.

"Hello, students of Midtown. Thank you for listening to this collab. This song hasn't been published yet until now, and the official MV will be published on XX October, so please stay tuned. Stay safe, stay happy, and try not to suffer in school. Bye!"

He passed the microphone to the same student before walking off-stage, listening to the large amount of applause he was receiving.

Upon entering his trailer, which had MJ and Ned in waiting for him, he took off his mask and hoodie, looking at them with the largest grin ever hung on his face.

He hugged Ned and high-fived MJ before stretching his arms.

"Well, that was a success. What now?"


Sorry if this chapter is short. I was rushing to complete it lol.

Wait, 2 uploads??? WHat kINd of MAGic Is ThiS?//????/

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