Safe House

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Hi, y'all. I am severely bored and why is everyone so pretty?????

[Warning: mention of HYDRA, graphic details of blood.]


Groans filled the Quinjet while the jet was flying to the Avengers Tower. Said Avengers were sprawling all over the said jet, some falling asleep.

They were all barely unharmed, except for the alarming amount of crimson blood on the metal flooring, staining it. Some of them were still freshly shining from the lighting and some were dusty from the long times it was left there. Disturbing to the picture, I know.

It was quiet, and not those peaceful ones. It's those that happen.

 Soon enough, the silence was broken by a hologram of Nick Fury popping up right above Clint's body, making the man(-child) yelp in surprise, and jump away.

"Avengers,"  the hologram said, "You're going to need a safe house, for now. HYDRA has raided SHIELD and this is a pre-recorded message. Stay safe until further notice."

After the recording finished, the hologram retracted back into the flooring. Everyone stared at where used to be the location of the hologram before Tony stood up, clapping his hands.

"Alright! Does anyone have any secret houses or secret families they would like to share? Cause this seems like the right time to do so." Tony said, 'happily'.

"For information, we're not going to my Barnhouse," Clint announced, raising his arm before dropping it back down.

While everyone was procrastinating, they failed to notice their youngest member quietly making his way to the cockpit.


Peter sat on the piloting chair and it automatically turned itself around, catching the attention of the other Avengers.

 "Hey, kid! What're you doing?!" Tony shouted.

Peter ignored him. "FRIDAY, turn off autopilot," he said, eyes fixed on the sky. Once FRIDAY disabled autopilot, the spiderling pushed forward, sending everyone in the cargo bay flying backward.

"KAREN, call the team," Peter told the AI, who called the Avengers. (He is not referring to the Avengers.) "Calling 'FRIDAY'."

"No! Not them! Red!"

"Calling Red."

Peter sighed before the call was picked up.

"Hey, Matt... Yes, I know... HYDRA... Call Wade in for me, will you? ... Warehouse A sixty-seven. OK, bye!"

Peter turned to the Avengers, who were either on the ground or upside down on the bench. Giving them a sheepish smile, he chuckled awkwardly before announcing, "Sorry about that, anyways, we're going to my one safehouse of many that me and my team share from time to time."

Everyone just glared at him.


Parking the Quinjet at the empty field, Peter smiled at the sight of the run-down factory. He immediately jumped out of the pilot seat and dashed outside, stepping right in front of the large building.

The others soon followed him, standing right behind the boy and looking at the large building.

The walls were a little cracked with vines growing on the side, the paint was cracking and the windows were surprisingly still intact.

Seeing Peter happy makes them happy, and Peter was happy.

Taking a breath, Peter opened up the door to the factory, revealing the inside.

There were fairy lights connecting from the wall to a balcony zig-zag style. Underneath the balcony was a kitchen, filled with plates, cups, and everything you would expect from a kitchen.

Outside the kitchen was a double decker couch, ("Is that even on sale??" "No, it isn't",) the TV was a 4K smart TV Peter fixed up from a junkyard. The walls were a dark shade of gray and all the windows were boarded up, letting no light through.

"Welcome, Avengers," Peter said, turning around to face them, "Welcome to safehouse A sixty-seven."


Hey y'all, sorry this chapter took so long. I was having no motivation and school was being a bitch. Don't expect chapters in a week or 2.

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