Midtown's actor

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So, I asked a new friend of mine (@Bi-dermans) if I should do this and she (sorry for misgendering you) gave the affirmative, sooooo. Enjoy!

[Warnings: Spoilers on IW]

Btw, none of the Avengers know who Spiderman is :) No one died :) Especially Gamora since I can't stand to see Quill cri :(

Extremely inspired by this one oneshot somewhere but I can't find it so if anyone found it, please put the link.


After Endgame, everyone healed. Structures were rebuilt and everyone was happy again.

And ever since somebody posted a video -a small clip- of Thanos dying, Midtown rented a huge auditorium somewhere in New York and invited almost everyone in the city to watch.

And ever since Peter arrived back at school, he needed extra credit to graduate and the drama club gives free credit for participating in acting. So he joined, with a little persuading from his best friend of course.

But once he heard about the title, he was ready to die. Don't get him wrong, he was over the PTSD and the traumas of the event but it gets just a little touchy when the subject was being held up, all of them were.

And now, they introduced 'hell month', named after the time limit they have -which is one month-. They had Flash as Tony, Cindy as Natasha, Abe as Bruce, and so on. But they were too busy and forgot about Spider-Man. 

They were writing the scripts (Peter helping them make it as accurate as possible to the actual scenario), making the outfits (again, Peter helped make it as accurate as possible), and making the background, which was a series of backgrounds with height (Peter also helped with this). He made the props himself.

And it was until the last week that they remembered Spider-Man.

"GUYS!" MJ yelled, causing everyone to stop in their tracks, including Peter. "WE FORGOT SPIDER-MAN!"

Everyone went into a panic. 

They did not just spend 3 weeks preparing just to forget one single character.



All of the crew were in the meeting room and sat down on their seats while Cindy stood up right in front of the 2 whiteboards filled with plans.

"Okay, somebody check if Spider-Man is essential in the act. If not, we can-" Cindy was cut off by Ned, the scriptwriter.

"Spider-Man is essential in the act, Cindy. We need to find a natural Spider-Man actor."

Cindy looked around the meeting room and spotted Peter.

"Who votes for Peter to be Spider-Man? Since he has a vague understanding of his character and apparently knows a lot about him."

Peter looked at the crew, who raised their hands. "What?"


He regrets joining the drama club.

Since he remembers everything that happened during the dusting, he doesn't need to memorize the script. And when they needed the Spider-Man suit, Peter stepped up with a smirk.

("We still have to make the suit!"

"I got it! Borrowed it from Mr. Stark." (read as stole)

"Great! We're ready!"

And no one even questioned why he got it.)


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