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Hello, this is my first book. I decided to write this book out of pure boredom and because I have free time on my days off.

There are some aspects of the story that is inspired by other books so I'd like to give them credits for it. I by no means intend to plagiarise or take credits for it. It's merely concepts that I find really interesting and wanted to create a story out of it.

I should also mention that this book contains topics and situations that may confronting or triggering such as abuse; sexual and mental along with some course languages, therefore viewer discretion is advised.

By the time this is uploaded, I probably finished writing out the book's plot and currently editing the book (update: i did not finish the book but i got the whole plot sorted out so i'm gonna write and publish as i go along). I'll try upload regularly because it's short chapters but it mostly depends on how satisfied I am with the writing.

Although English is my first language, I make plenty of mistakes so I apologise in advance however, I'll try my best to avoid any grammatical errors and attempt to minimise confusion with the story line.

Also, just as a heads up, there will be no ~spicy~ scenes in this story as people I know may read this and it would be far too awkward for them, especially for me... maybe if I decide to write another book.. But, there is a crap ton of fluff and *maybe* angst heh.

I'm not expecting a lot of attention with this book. As I already mentioned, I'm doing this solely because of boredom. Attention is scary, I don't like attention. I don't wike it.

With that said, enjoy the story :)

Mine; Ryeji FFWhere stories live. Discover now