Chapter 13: Nabi.

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Exhausted from the carnival, the pair decided to walk to the nearby convenience store to buy some food. Yeji headed straight to her favourite aisle; snacks. Filling up the basket with all her favourite snacks, she glanced over at Ryujin in the drinks section. All the labels on the drinks are unfamiliar to Ryujin, she picked up random bottles in hopes that it's according to Yeji's taste.

"Oh, planning to get drunk tonight Ryujin?", Yeji picked up the bottle labeled as 소주 (Soju).

"Yeah totally", she definitely did not know that it's alcohol.

The fashion designer once again paid for the food and drinks, they head out to the park. Finding an empty park bench, they opened the bags and consume the snacks.

"Hey hey Ryujin", Yeji took out the soju and performing a bunch of tricks, flourishes and ending with a strong tornado.

"Oooh where did you learn that?!", Ryujin asked, intrigued by the cat eye girl's performance. She took out the plastic shot cups and moved it towards Yeji.

"During my senior year of high school, I went to many parties so I may or may not have learnt a few things from there.", Yeji giggles as she poured out the drink into Ryujin's cups.

They drink the soju and look into the sky. Leaves from the old trees obstructs their view however the moon continues to illuminate the starry night. The tranquility was interrupted when Yeji's phone rings in her pocket. She quickly silenced the phone, averting her eyes back into the sky.

"Who was that?"

"Someone I no longer need back in my life.", Yeji replied still staring at the sky, naming the constellations in her mind.

"And who is that?", Ryujin was persistent on finding an answer.

"My ex boyfriend."

"Why is he your ex?"

Yeji looked over at Ryujin. "We liked each other a lot, we had a lot of the same interests and hobbies but he wanted to marry me. I was really tempted but he wanted me to quit fashion design and be a full time house wife."


"Did you ever have a lover?", Yeji asked very curious to find the answer.

"Yes, he was a soldier back then. He actually was the reason that I joined in the first place. As a soldier, he would spend a lot of time out on the field meaning we weren't together a lot. I took a risk and joined too. I shaved my head, changed my name and luckily with my handsome face, I passed as a male and joined the army.", Ryujin took another shot of alcohol, she starts feeling it take effect.

"What was your male name?"

"Eugene, Eugene Shin."

"What a handsome name."

"Why thank you Yeji", Ryujin smirked and winked at the girl leaving her flustered by her actions.

"What happened with you and him?", Yeji getting the conversation back on track.

"Unfortunately, I came too late. The reason he never came home was because he was killed on the field.", she gave Yeji a fake smile.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

Missing her past lover, Ryujin took another shot while Yeji feeds on the snacks.

"Yeji, what do you look for in a relationship?", Ryujin decided to change the subject.

"Hmm... Someone that's nice, charming.. has a sense of humour.. loyal.. good in bed..."

The other girl who was drinking at the time, spat it out and started coughing.

"I'm sorry what?!"

"Hmm? Did I say something?", Yeji innocently stared at Ryujin while slowly munching on her chips.

"Anyways, I hope you find that somebody someday.", Ryujin flashing her cheeks towards Yeji.

"You too.", Yeji reciprocated back.

Since being imprisoned in the book, her mind ponders on the thought of whether she would ever be capable of love again if she was to leave again. The thought of trusting other people again struck fear in her. Whether if she puts her heart on the line again, would she just be betrayed once again. Even so, would that person stay once they see what's under her mask, would they still love her even if they discover how broken she is inside. Upon meeting Yeji, she feels a glimpse of hope. Something she thought she would never see again. Though Ryujin had a peek into who Yeji is, she is willing to put her first no matter what. She'll be someone that listens, support her during her hardships and care for her. Maybe it's the strenuous amount of time solitary, or the amount of alcohol running through her veins but she feels butterflies in her stomach.

Mine; Ryeji FFWhere stories live. Discover now