Chapter 1: The Book.

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"Please.. Please stop sending me out", a young girl  whimpered on her knees, pleading. The uniformed officer stood in front of her, holding the book that became the prison that held her captive for the last 6 months. "You're mine, you will always be mine.", the man chuckled as he sets the book down on the bedside table. Tears running down the girl's bruised face, the monster's eyes darken as he unbuckled his belt. "Let's do this again, shall we?"
Her eyes wandered along the dusty bookshelves of her grandfather's library. It had been a while since she stepped foot into the place. The mansion held treasured memories of a little girl running through the hallways, exploring the abundance of precious artifacts that her beloved grandfather collected over the years being a soldier. As the years flew by, she grew up, graduated from high school and was accepted into the university which she had dreamed about since her youth, forcing her to relocate to Seoul. Her life in university was short lived when a fashion company found talent in Yeji, offering her a full time career as a designer.

Now returning back to the place she grew up in, the particular room gave her nostalgia of the past and how she would've given everything to relive in the past.

The blonde haired girl scanned through the books, each dust riddled book contained a vivid memory of the times she was seated on her grandfather's lap, listening to him read the stories that made the young girl wish she lived in the fictional world in between the pages, along with his own stories of war in which she did not want to live in.

Though, there was something she has not seen before. The cat eyed woman ran her finger along the spine of a black leather book and plucked it off the shelf. Her eyes wondered across the blank cover, curious as to what the pages contained, she opened the book.


Mine? What is this book?! She rubbed her brow in confusion. I have read every book in this room, how have I never come across this one? As she began to flip over to the next page, a soft knock on the door startled her.

"Yeji?", a raspy voice echoed into the library.

Yeji quickly hid the book into her long leather trench coat and turned to face the owner of the voice.

"Did you come in here because you miss the days I would read to you?", the old man smiled at his granddaughter whom he adored dearly. None of his other grandchildren would visit him, not because they lived far away but the reason being that they did not bother to see him.

"Haha, yes. I kind of missed how you would read to me, how you always recall stories from the days you were at war.", Yeji flashed her dimple at him. He always liked her dimple, it reminded him of someone in his past.
Yeji sat in her white sports car that parked outside amongst her grandfather's old classic cars. After expressing her farewell to the old man, she promised to visit him more often when she had the chance during her busy schedule. She turned the key and played her usual playlist, the vibrations from her speakers echoed within the vehicle. It's a long drive back to Seoul. As she took off her jacket, she felt a hard block in her pocket. Her hand pulled the object out of her jacket, Oh right. She stared at the book and placed it on the passenger seat. I guess the book is mine now.

Mine; Ryeji FFWhere stories live. Discover now