Chapter 9: Wounds.

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Arriving back home from their day out, Ryujin headed into the guest bathroom to wash up. As for Yeji, she was sitting in her bedroom study table. Being a fashion designer, she had to stay on top of all her tasks. Some projects required her to also be completed on her days off such as this current one. With this particular task, Yeji was appointed as the team leader, managing her team members tasks involving selecting finest materials and colours which complement each other perfectly. She was also in charge of the design, it's not a difficult task for the talented designer but without a model, she was struggling to come up with the blueprint.

Yeji's back ached (from carrying the fashion industry 💅), she got up from her desk and started washing up. In the shower, the cat eye woman couldn't help but to think about her new friend. Ryujin definitely had devastating past, she sympathised with her even though she has barely scraped the surface of the cause of her physical trauma. Yeji brainstormed many theories all in which resulted in her heart becoming heavier.

Fresh out the shower, Yeji made her way into the living room and threw herself beside Ryujin taking bites out of her mocha bread she bought from the cafe.

"Ok, 21 questions.", Yeji said.

"21 questions? What's that?", Ryujin replied, wiping the crumbs off her corners of her lips.

"Firstly, don't you dare make a mess on my couch. This is a very expensive couch. Secondly, we basically ask questions to get to know each other."

"Ok, let's play. You start."

"Ok Ryujin... What's your favourite colour?"

"Hmm.. It changes all the time but at the moment, it's blue. My turn, what is your favourite food?", She replied, beginning to enjoy the game.

"To be honest, I really enjoy all types of food but I gotta say, I love my snacks. Any kinds of chips or chocolate. What's your favourite memory?"

Ryujin thinks about her favourite memory, uncertain on whether she had any good moments in her life.  

"I would say when my dad came home from work one day with a pound cake the baker next door gifted to us. My sister and I were so excited, probably because it was the first time we tried it. Our small family gather around the table and ate the cake, I remember the smiles on my parents' face.", Ryujin face lit up as if she was reliving her memory.

Yeji watched the corners of the other girl's lips turn upwards causing her to do the same.

"Your parents loved you and her sister a lot.", As her words left her mouth, she felt some bitterness from it.

"How about your parents? They must be proud to have a beautiful and successful daughter like you.", Ryujin noticed Yeji's mood shift, the sadness in her eyes.

"I don't know actually. They aren't around. I'm not sure if they consider me as a daughter. They never tried to involve themselves in my life. They celebrated more when their profits went up rather than their only daughter taking her first steps, when their child was crying when she was scared to go to her first day of elementary school, her first heart break, fucking when she graduated high school and got full scholarship into university.", Yeji gasped for air, her eyes overflowing with tears. Ryujin listened to the pain in her voice.

"They don't give a shit about me, all they gave me was this fucking apartment and a hole in my heart that I can't seem to fill. I tried, I tried so hard. I got excellent marks in school, I did everything possible that would make a parent proud of their child. I even partied, did drugs, slept with absolute strangers just to get a reaction out of them but all I got in return was silence. Nothing. So, tell me. Am I their daughter?", she yelled out in pain, she didn't expect to reveal her vulnerable self to someone she just met. Ryujin on the other hand, couldn't help but also cry with her.

"What did I fucking do wrong? What did I do to be ignored by the two people that is supposed to be the most important role models in my life."

She hid her her face into her hands, "I'm sorry about this, I haven't told anyone about this."

Ryujin was heartbroken, she didn't expect such a happy and kind human being to be broken in front of her. Wounds that bleeds will never surpass internal pain that never heals. She wanted to comfort the girl, hug her, take her pain away and make it her own but her own struggles prevent it from happening.


The sobbing girl looked at Ryujin, her lips quivering.

"I can't imagine the pain that you're enduring but what I do know is that they don't deserve to call you their daughter because you're strong, you're kind. You have the biggest heart, bigger than anyone I've ever met. I'm sorry you kept this to yourself for so long.", Ryujin extended her hand and placed it on the pillow resting on the girl's pillow on her lap.

"Thank you Ryujin."


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