Chapter 22: Reunion.

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As the one year mark approached since Ryujin and Yeji's first encounter, the pair had been inseparable, going on dates weekly, movie nights, car karaokes and relentless teasing from Ryujin. Nothing will tear them apart. It's not just Ryujin and Yeji that's the new couple, her best friend and boss have been seeing each other regularly. They both invited Yeji out for lunch, confessing to her that they have been close ever since Yeji's birthday party. While planning for the party, Lia found her interest in the cafe worker and had a mutual connection with each other, blooming into a loving relationship. Yeji was initially shocked but came around and was happy her for best friend and her beloved boss.

One day, Yeji got a phone call from someone. Her grandfather, he missed Yeji and wanted to see her again. She willingly agreed and invited Ryujin to come along. Ryujin wanted to spend more time with her girlfriend so she accepted the offer. The long road trip sounded like a pleasant way to get to know Yeji and the person she admired deeply. They packed their bags and hopped into the car, blasting their favourite playlist. Yeji sped through the lanes to avoid being stuck behind slow driver with the windows down, the wind blowing through their hair.

The driver pulled over to a rest stop because Ryujin desperately needed to use the bathroom, Yeji waited in the car. Her favourite song played-- she turned up the volume and started jamming out. Ryujin left the bathroom after washing her hands, she walked to the loud car and watched the performance in front of her. Yeji holding an imaginary microphone and passionately belting out the words to the song, Ryujin stood in front of the car. She loved this side of Yeji, the silly, outgoing girl that does not have a care in the world with people staring at her. She loved her antics, her humour, the passion she has singing off pitch. Yeji finished her performance, finally noticing Ryujin in front of her. Ryujin simply clapped.

They finally made it to Jeonju, not wanting to go to Yeji's grandfather's house yet, she offered to take the other girl around her childhood town. Yeji took Ryujin down to the stores which caused the cat eyed girl to talk Ryujin's ear off about the fun memories associated with the street they were on. Yeji stopped in front of a restaurant and walked straight in leaving Ryujin outside, confused. Turned out she was best friends with the restaurant owner, the owner immediately noticed the young girl and hugged her, bombarding her with comments about how well she grew up and that she needed to eat more, earning a wide grin and laughter from the girl. They took a sit in Yeji's usual spot. The owner didn't take Yeji's order as he knew her favourites and immediately prepared the dishes.

"I used to come here everyday after school, I didn't have many friends back then so I used to spend a lot of time with the owner.", Yeji said while looking around the restaurant, noticing that everything was exactly the same as the last time she came.

"Now, I have somebody with me here.", Ryujin couldn't help but to smile at Yeji's comment.

The food came out quickly, Yeji's favourite Tteokbokki and freshly made pork Kimbap is placed on the table. The couple quickly devoured the food, the flavour brought back so much nostalgia for the homesick girl that tears forms in her eyes. Ryujin giggled as she got tissues, wiping Yeji's eat eyes. After finishing the meal, Yeji argued with the owner trying to pay for the bill. The owner refused as Yeji forcefully shoved money into his hands, she ran out the restaurant to avoid further conflict and leaving Ryujin behind again. Left in an awkward position, she bowed at the owner and thanked him for the meal.

"Take good care of her, she's my favourite.", the owner said.

"I'll try my best, sir", she bowed again before leaving.




They arrived at the footsteps of the large white mansion. Ryujin's heart ran rampantly, feeling as if her body was going to explode. The maid opened the door and bowed at the two before letting them into the house. She informed Yeji that her grandfather was still asleep so they explored the mansion. They walkws into the main room, a large golden statue of a greek god stood in the center, large marble pillars in each corner of the room and a grand piano beside the window.

Yeji pulled out the seat in front of the piano and placed her long fingers on the ivory keys. She began playing a familiar song-- Chopin's Ballade No.1 in G Minor, Op. 23. A song depicting a sorrowful theme which gradually drifts into a fury of rage; tragedy and devastation. The first section of the piece played with Neapolitan sixth chord in octaves, changing in dynamics, highlighting the solemn expressions in the ballade. The pianist captivated Ryujin's attention, watching her expression change with each section. In the ending of the ballade, the piano is plays louder, echoing the pained notes around the room. The increase in tempo and dynamics stresses the notes, the tragic story being conveyed. Yeji's hands life off the ivory keys, signifying the end. As Ryujin was speechless by the performance, she placed her hand on Yeji's shoulder.

"Well, I haven't heard that piece in a really long time.", a deep voice reverberated off the walls, sending chills down Ryujin's spine, that voice. She looked over to the old man walking down the stairs. All the blood in her body ran cold, her palms were sweaty, her muscles tensed.

"No.", Ryujin said, staring at the man. The man stopped walking towards the pair. Her worst fear was there in front of her, the man from her nightmares, trauma, that man that wasted her life being trapped in a prison between the pages.

"Ryujin? Are you okay?", Yeji eyed her girlfriend, watching the tears run down her cheek.

The dark haired girl ran out the room, heading towards the front door. She fumbled trying to unlock the door with the complicated locks. No. No. FUCK. Yeji went after her, ignoring her grandfather.

"What's going on Ryu?!", Yeji touched Ryujin's back to which the latter flinched.

"He.. He was the one that hurt me.", Ryujin softly squeaked out. She finally unlocked the door and ran out onto the street. Running and running, her eyes ached, her cheeks drenched from her tears. Her feet ached, she stopped running and squatted down on the side of the road to catch her breath which became impossible for her. The pain of her scars reopened, bringing her back into the nights that haunts her. As she was hyperventilating, man bent down beside her.

"I don't know what happened but please come inside. I'll call a cab for you.", Ryujin looked at the man, her vision clouded. It was the restaurant owner. She quietly got up and took a seat in the restaurant waiting for the cab.


THis chapter is messy, so I'm sorry if the chapter is confusing.

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