Chapter 24: Did you know.

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Ryujin came home to an empty house, still in dismay from seeing him again. She opened in the fridge to grabbed a glass bottle. Opening the cap, she allowed the burning alcohol to run down her throat in hopes of drowning out her sorrows-- to drown out the image of Yeji's grandfather that had been seared into her frontal lobe. She scratched her arm, thinking of all the past actions that was inflicted on her, her breathing became rapid, the walls closing in on her; trapped again, she couldn't escape from him. Holding her knees close to her chest, she allowed herself to fall onto the cold hard tiles of the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Yeji was speeding home. Not caring that she drove past red lights, having near misses with other cars on the highway. She just needed to get away from that man that she used to admire. Mostly she wanted to go home back to her love. Yeji came home soon after, she wanted to hold Ryujin close to her, make her feel safe but mostly she wanted answers. The cat eyed girl walked into the kitchen to find Ryujin in a fetal position on the floor with her arms covered in blood. She ran to the girl and hugged her, not caring that her clothes are being stained.

"Ryujinnie...", she whispered, feeling her girlfriend's body shake.

"I need to get you cleaned up.", Yeji quickly stood up to reach for the paper towels on the kitchen counter. She ripped off a piece and dabbed Ryujin's arms.

Once Ryujin calmed down, they both took a seat on the couch.

"Are you hungry?", Yeji asked to which Ryujin shook her head in response. She ignored the other girl and walked into the kitchen to make some ramen. Even though there was a huge elephant in the room, she cared deeply for her.

"Food is ready.", Yeji placed the ramen and a glass of water on the dining table, waiting for the other girl to join her. Ryujin walked slowly to her seat, she picked up her chopsticks and slowly pick at the noodles in her bowl. Ryujin took a few bites before announcing that she was not hungry, Yeji noded knowing she can't force her to eat.

"Did you know?, Yeji breaking the silence between them.

"About what?", Ryujin replied monotone.

"What happens after you stay out of the book for a year?"




"Ryujin. Did you know?!", Yeji raised her voice causing Ryujin to flinch at her tone.

"... yes.", she replied softly. Yeji to stand up, looking away from Ryujin.

"What- What do you mean you know?! You're telling me that you knew that you're gonna die?!", she ran her finger through her blonde hair, in denial about the situation.

"Yes, I knew. I knew because your grandfather told me. That's why I was constantly sent back in, to delay my inevitable death. When I was in there, I made a vow to myself that once I come out, I'll stay out. Even if it meant I'd die.", Ryujin eyed fill with tears once again.

"Is there anything we can do?!"


"What do you mean no?!"

"I don't fucking know, if I had known what to do, I would have done it already", Ryujin slightly raised her voice in frustration, glaring at the cat eyed girl.

Yeji runs into her bedroom and fetched the book and headed right back to the dining table.
"There must be something in here. There has to be FUCKING IN HERE!! SOMETHING— ANYTHING", She frantically flipped the pages to find something, anything that could save her lover's life. The pages were in a foreign language, either way, she couldn't find an answer. Yeji picked up the book and threw it across the room, yelling her lungs out in frustration. She buckled, falling to the ground with her hands covering her face.

"I- I don't want to lose you Ryuddaeng.", now sobbing.

Ryujin made her way over to Yeji, holding her in her arms and nudged her face into Yeji's neck.

"Why didn't you tell me?", Yeji's voice cracked.

"I didn't want you to worry."

The cat eyed girl lifted her head up and looked at Ryujin. "What were you going to do? Just disappear on me without telling me? Just leave me?"

"I don't know..", Ryujin's heart dropped listening to Yeji. She really didn't know what she was going to do. In the earlier months, one of the plans was just to write her a letter with her heartfelt words and disappear. Once she fell in love with her, plans were delayed. Whether she was with Yeji, all her problems no longer existed. As if Yeji took away her pains and worries.

"Ryujin... What am I going to do without you? I'll have nobody left. Everyone I've ever cared about left me. Now you're leaving me. How am I going to survive?!", she began to sob harder, imagining a life without her by her side.

"I'm sorry Yeddeong.", she wrapped her arms around Yeji tighter, she never wants to let her go.

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