Chapter 10: Exploring.

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About a week and a half after the pair met, Yeji felt hesitant to return back to her obligations. As much as she wanted to stay with Ryujin, work forced pair to part ways. Yeji trusted the latter with leaving the house as she goes to work, even leaving her with some money in case the dark haired girl needed it. The blonde gave Ryujin her old phone in events that they need to contact each other, or if she gets lost.

Ryujin leaved the house to explore the restless streets of Seoul. She decided against utilising public transport as she want to experience the atmosphere of the city, she also didn't know how buses and taxis work so she wanted to avoid the headache. The dark haired girl walked along the streets with no destination in mind, allowing her feet to take her to new places. She always loved exploring, finding areas that many have not discovered before. It gave her a sense of freedom, something she longed for all those years in the book. Ryujin, still wearing her mask, walked along the fences of an elementary school. Watching children playing with each other, waiting to for the bell to ring to head into class. As she observed the happiness in the children's smile, a thud is heard behind her followed by crying.

Ryujin turned around to see a little girl sitting down on the ground holding her knee. Concerned, she quickly walked over to the crying little girl.

"Oh no.. Are you okay?", Ryujin crouched down to inspect the wound on the girl's knee.

"I-It hurts", The little school girl pouted with tears running down her cheeks.

"Aww, you'll be okay. Here, I'll take you to the convenience store and get you bandaged up!", the masked girl takes a deep breath, knowingly she would have to carry the hurt girl meaning she'd be physically interacting with another person. She lifted up the little girl and carried her on her back and began walking to the closest store. Her chest began to tighten.

Once they reach the store, Ryujin gently dropped the girl on a chair and quickly paced to the bandaid section of the store. Taking deep breaths to calm herself from carrying someone on her back, she searched for bandaids. Her eyes noticed baby shark themed bandaids, she took a pack off the shelf and walked to the fridge and gets a carton of banana milk. After paying for it, she made her way back to the little girl who was no longer crying.

"Hey, look what I got for you~", the masked woman smiled ask she opened the bag to reveal the milk she had bought for the school girl.

"Banana milk!!! My favourite!!!", the little girl squealed.

Ryujin smiled at the excited expression on the girl's face. As the girl drank her milk, she used it as an opportunity to place a band-aid on the wounded knee. The school girl looked down to her knee.

"Ahh!! Baby shark!! Baby shark doo doo doo doo", the little girl started singing.

The dark haired girl clueless as to what she is singing, she laughed at the school girl's adorable little dance.

"You need to go back to school, let's walk to school together before you get in trouble for being late. You don't want to get in trouble do you?", Ryujin playfully stated to the girl who was still singing baby shark.  The little girl held the older girl's hand and walked to school together.

Reaching to the school gate, the older girl bent down to the school girl's level who was smiling widely with her bunny teeth on full display.

"Study hard today, okay? And don't fall over again.", Ryujin took off her mask to smile at the younger who was still drinking her milk.

"Yes Unnie!", the girl ran through the school gate before turning around. "Thank you for taking care of me!", she bowed at the older girl before running into class. Ryujin held her hand on her chest, feeling her heart fluttering.

She sensed a familiarity in the little girl. Her eyes are big, her bunny teeth smile are all too similar to someone Ryujin had known her whole life. Someone she loved but had to let go.

"Thank you for making me smile", Ryujin quietly whispered to herself.

Mine; Ryeji FFWhere stories live. Discover now