Chapter 7: Outfit.

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Yeji walked out of her room wearing a blue jersey jacket paired with light blue denim ripped jeans and white sneakers. Strolling into the living room, she was greeted with Ryujin's laugh. The TV was on the kids channel, Ah.. Spongebob. The entertained child turned around examining the other's outfit, stunned by the cat eyed girl's ethereal beauty. Staring at her a bit too long, Yeji looked away feeling the heat rushing into her cheeks.

"You ready to explore the new world outside?"

"Let's go!", Ryujin sprung up from the couch and followed the attractive woman to the door.

Both the girls hop into the white sports car. The dark haired girl was enthralled with the design of the vehicle, running her fingertips along the expensive leather interior.

"Are you done molesting my car?", the blonde let out an amused chuckle. Ryujin snapped out of her fascination and quickly nodded.

"Put the seatbelt on and we'll start heading off"

Ryujin put on her seatbelt with the driver promptly starting the car. They head out of the underground garage and turned into the streets of Seoul. The passenger looked out of the window, her eyes rapidly moving observing the towering buildings, the people walking beside the road looking like they are on a mission to arrive at their destination. The driver looked over to the starstruck woman with loving eyes. I can't believe that the woman next to me is the same woman that almost shot me in the face. She smiled as she turns on her favourite playlist.

As Ryujin enjoying the peaceful atmosphere the music is creating in the car, she spotted something intriguing walking the streets.

"Is that woman wearing men's clothing?", the passenger innocently inquired to the driver who's focusing on the road ahead of her.

"Yes she is."

"Is it allowed? In my time, it was somewhat frowned upon", the girl still fascinated by the discovery.

"Today's society has come to be more accepting with people wearing what they want to wear because it is a form of self expression. Clothes aren't meant to be specifically worn by gender, you wear clothes to feel comfortable with who you are. Women can wear masculine clothing, man can wear feminine clothing, all that matters is that you feel good wearing it. You feel like yourself.", Yeji projected her fashion expert mode while explaining the topic for the other.

"I think I am starting liking the future", Ryujin rested her head back into the headrest, feeling at ease.

Soon after, they arrived at the shopping district. Yeji handed her passenger a black mask. She knew that stepping outside, there are millions of airborne bacteria that could attack Ryujin's immune system since she is not yet adjusted to the current atmosphere. The last thing she needed is to look after a sick Ryujin. She explained the reasoning behind the mask and the girl thanked Yeji for her consideration. They both step out of car and was immediately attacked by the winter's temperature. Walking past clothing stores, the blonde asked the other if any of the stores interests her, the girl said no.

After 30 minutes, Yeji noticed Ryujin looking at a woman dressed in masculine clothing, she immediately knew where to take her. They strolled into a store selling clothes catered to all genders, she noticed the masked girl's eyes brighten up as she sees the clothing the store had to offer.

"Anything that sparks your interest?", Yeji asked as she searched through the clothing.

"There is so much.. I don't know what I like, I like it all!!", Ryujin replied, fiddling with the clothes hangers.

"Why don't you dress me, you're a fashion designer after all."

"Oh wow, you just gave me so much pressure.", the designer looked over to the girl, chuckling.

"It actually won't be too difficult considering you're stunning as you are.", she quickly covered her mouth, in disbelief with the sudden compliment that came out of her mouth. The other girl purses her lips and smiled widely through the mask.

The fashion enthusiast wandered the store to compile the perfect outfit for the masked woman. 15 minutes past and she returned to Ryujin with an armful of clothing. They walked into the change room, the blonde placed the clothing into a vacant stall and waited for her model to try on the clothes.

"Oh my, you look amazing", the cat eyed girl observed the mask woman's outfit. Ryujin stepped out of the stall and looks into the mirror, the black turtleneck and dress pants hugs her perfect figure comfortably with a white dress shirt and black trench coat layered on top.

"Hold up, I need to find you some accessories. Stay put.", The designer rushed out to search for some finishing touches. The masked woman took a closer look at her new outfit. She took off her mask to further inspect herself. The dark haired girl didn't recognise herself, in the past, she always wore dresses which she absolutely hated wearing. The person standing in the mirror was the version of herself she always wanted to become. Her eyes became heavy with tears, she stared at herself longer when Yeji came rushing back in with an designer belt and jewellery. Ryujin turned around to Yeji with a single tear running down her face.

"I am finally comfortable as someone I always wanted to be."

Mine; Ryeji FFWhere stories live. Discover now