Chapter 8: Mocha.

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Yeji left the store with a lighter wallet and a happy Ryujin, they headed into a cafe. The masked girl was greeted with the nostalgic scent of grounded coffee beans, the ambience is filled with soft chatters from conversations between people in the room. The walled held up with dark wood bannisters, vines crawling up the walls giving a fresh atmosphere in the cafe.

Astonished by the beauty of the place, she looked over to the counter who was Yeji is already ordering drinks and desserts for the two. Ryujin stood beside the blonde, observing the side of her face. She truly a piece of art, God really took his time creating her face. The cat eyed girl turned to Ryujin, gesturing her to head to a table beside the window. Understanding immediately and made her way to an empty table, she rested her chin on her propped arm and looked out the window.

After ordering the drinks and desserts, Yeji head back to the table, taking a seat in front of the other.

"What are you looking at?", the fashion designer also propping her chin on her arm.

"Those guys at the park bench over there.", she replied not taking her eyes of the two men holding hands, leaning on each other.

"I think they are a couple"

"Really? Is that also accepted now? When I was in the army, my two male friends were really close like that. Now that I think about it, I think they were in love.", Ryujin reminisced over her two friends that never let each other's side. During her training sessions, they would always pair up together. When they were apart, they always begged the sergeant to let them stay together.

"Hmm, love between two genders is becoming increasingly common now. It's coming more socially accepted because we can't choose who we are attracted to or who we fall in love with. It's like choosing between ice cream flavours, some would choose one, other would choose the other, there are also people that would choose all the flavours. You can't limit yourself.", Yeji about to explain further when she is interrupted by a server with their drinks and desserts. As Yeji says thank you, she looked up and sees a familiar face.



"I didn't know you are working today!!!", Yeji stood up and embraced the Chaeryeong in her arms. The latter returning the gesture.

"I picked up a shift for today, I didn't expect you to come and visit", the server then noticed the another person beside her.

"Are you on a date?", the worker whispered to Yeji.

"Oh god no, she's a friend. Chaeryeong, this is Ryujin, she just arrived to Seoul yesterday.", Yeji introduced the two.

"Hey, nice to meet you, Ryujin.", Chaeryeong extended her hand out towards the sitted girl.

"Nice to meet you too, Chaeryeong.", the masked girl smiled behind the mask avoiding the physical contact.

"Sorry, Ryujin doesn't like touching people.", the fashion designer kindly informed the woman with her arm still extended.

"Oh sorry, I didn't know.", the server lowered her hand.

"No, it's alright!", the black haired girl reassured the embarrassed woman.

"Well, let me know if you guys need anything and Yeji, text me when you get home.", the server smiled and returned back behind the counter.

"She seems nice"

"Yeah, she's a friend since high school. It was hard to make friends back then because everyone thought I looked intimidating but Chaeryeong was the only one that thought otherwise.", Yeji responsed as she took a sip of her iced latte.

"Why did people think you're intimidating?", Ryujin replied, taking a sip of her hot mug of mocha in which she quickly became her favourite.

"Because of my eyes. When I'm concentrating or have a blank expression, my eyes can be scary or intimidating. A lot of people avoided me as a result of that.", the cat eyed girl looked down at her cup, the feeling of insecurity creeping back into her.

"Well, to be fair. When I first met you last night, I was a bit frightened of you, partly you DID look scary but I think mostly because of me being in a place I've never been before. But looking at your eyes now."

Yeji manages to hold eye contact with the person across from her.

"You have the most beautiful pair of eyes I've ever seen. Never think otherwise"

Mine; Ryeji FFWhere stories live. Discover now