Chapter 2: Aim.

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The blonde haired girl twisted the key and stepped foot into her penthouse that looked over the busy streets of Seoul. She never liked the penthouse. It wasn't because of the modern design or the photographic view, her parents bought the luxury apartment as a gift to celebrate her acceptance into university.

Yeji always grew up wanting to be with her parents. As the only child in the family, they would tend to spoil her with money and gifts. Many outsiders would say that she had everything she ever wanted and that she should consider herself lucky but to Yeji, all she ever wanted was love. Her parents were too determined with building an empire in real estate that they deprived her from parental love she had yearned for her whole life. Most of her childhood was left in the care of maids that watched over her more than her mother did. But her grandfather took on the role of being her father, hence Yeji creating beautiful memories in that mansion. The lack of her parents presence along with her grandfather's arrogant mindset influenced Yeji's determination to never rely on anyone other than herself. However, when the news of her acceptance made its way to her parents. In an attempt of reconciliation, they gifted her with a beautiful penthouse near the Han River. She was appalled by the fact that even thought they still saw her as a daughter. The parents didn't care enough to give to her the gift in person, they simply posted a set of keys and an address. As much as she wanted to decline their gift, she knew that she wasn't going to be able to pay the rent, leaving her no choice but to live in it.

Tired from the long drive back to Seoul, she took off her worn out Doc Martens, leaving it beside the door and walked towards the kitchen. Her tired fingers grasped onto the cold metal handle of the fridge to retrieve a bottle of rosè-- a celebratory gift from her co workers due to the success of Yeji's latest fashion piece which earned plenty of attention of overseas customers. She poured out a glass of wine and plopped onto the white leather couch. A sudden jolt on  her side startled the girl. Her hand reached towards the vibration in her right pocket. A message from her boss notified the fashion designer of her upcoming schedule for her projects. A sigh was released from the girl's red lips which was followed by the sweet, burning liquid running down her throat.

While resting on the couch, her stress ran laps around the woman's mind as a result of her harsh deadlines. She glanced over to the black book on the coffee table in front of her. There was a force of curiosity that kept drawing Yeji towards the book like a cobra being lured by a flute. Compelled into temptation, she grabbed the book. Her fingers felt the softness of the leather-- the book was old, there was small spots of mold scattered along the covers and cracks forming on the spine.

Yeji unconsciously opened the book, Mine.. As she was flipping through the pages, it was written in a language she is unable to read. That was until one of the pages caught the cat eyed girl's attention-- a sketch of a young girl. She observed a young girl wearing an soldier's uniform seated on a boulder. A girl in the battlefield? Women were able to fight in the war? Who is this girl? Yeji started to observe the soldier's features. Her short hair swayed in the wind, the sharp jawline and perfect side profile. The blonde noticed that the uniform is too big for her, it was definitely not fit for women. If the uniform doesn't fit, does it mean that she was forced to fight? It reminded Yeji of her grandfather's friends that were drafted into the military by the government to fight for the country's safety, but why did this girl get drafted?

The cat eyed girl needed to find answers, she was determined. So she flipped to the next page. It was all written in a foreign language until she saw a handwritten comment in Korean on the top right corner of the page. Say her name out loud 3 times. Shin Ryujin. "Shin Ryujin?", Yeji said out loud, she immediately realised she said it out loud and covered her mouth. The drunk giggled to herself noticing that this is the same way to summon Beetlejuice. What if I say her name 3 times and she appears?! uhhh one way to find out :D

"Beetlejui— I MEAN Shin Ryujin...", she said the name the second time.. The blonde couldn't comprehend whether it was the large quantity of alcohol she consumed or the curiosity that was compelling her to recite the mysterious girl's name but she believed that it wouldn't hurt to try. "Shin. Ryujin.", Yeji closed her eyes and opened them again, scanning the room in anticipation.

Few seconds passed and nothing happened. A large part of her wanted to find out more about the girl in the book, but was faced with disappointment. Well shit, nothing happened. I guess this book is only fic—- The book jumped out of her hands, a bright flash appears in front of her. Her eyes blinded by the light, Yeji promptly jumped behind the couch and landed on her bottom. She gasped in pain but she quickly peeked over the couch. In disbelief of the supernatural occurrence unfolding, particles of orbs materialise into a silhouette. In front of her stands a young girl.

The short haired soldier took a deep breath, allowing the air flow into her lungs. Grasping her rifle tightly, she opened her eyes to examine the foreign room. The young soldier was ready to take action to anyone that stands in her way. She has been trapped for far too long in her prison, she is ready to take any action necessary, if it meant for her freedom. She quickly noticed a pair cat eyes peeking over the couch, she immediately aimed her rifle towards the eyes.

oh fuck.

Mine; Ryeji FFWhere stories live. Discover now