Chapter 38

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I watched China from afar, studying his every move. Something was terribly wrong with him.

The way his hair fell, the newest black streak in it, all the way to his attitude.


Our old group had slowly begun to fall apart with Kazakhstan having left around five years ago. I have been the last original member of our 'group' for well over two years. Kazakhstan had left after we bullied the Finnish boy, five or so years back, Indonesia left around when he decided to form his own group of 'bad boys', and Romania had gone maybe three years ago after having done nothing in our group. China kind of kicked Romania after he refused to do anything with us. This all ended up with me being the last. And to be honest, I knew I should have left already, but everytime I mentioned disbanding the dying group to China, he would beg me to stay, saying that it would all come together in mere time. . .

That was two years ago.

I waited for two years with him as he would invite countries in the mass. One day I looked up and realized he had actually managed to accumulate many countries. So many that I had been left out. That was one of the last things that pissed me off. He pulled the final straw when he decided to show up at school after having left for two weeks with everything about him changed. At this point,I knew something was wrong, I knew that he was up to something and that I of all countries wouldnt want to be a part of it. Now here we are.

~End of Recap~


I stared as China called out to me, a dark smile plastered on his face.

"Actually, nah, I'm done with you and your little slaves. I don't want anything to do with these sad kids that you dare call a group."

China's eyes widened in shock, his smile dissolved leaving an angry scowl in its place. Moments later, a smile reappeared, but this smile wasn't any normal smile, his face was soaked in hatred and loathing.

I watched as his eyes began to glow red and I smiled, knowing his power wouldn't work.

"You fail to remember that your power doesn't work on countries whose own power causes them pain." China's awakening faltered to a stop.

"Fuck! Fine, Leave!" He cursed under his breath. "We don't want you here anyways." I smiled kindly and nodded, sort of mocking him. Then I turned around, snickering as I left the Café.

I should find Kazakhstan, Indo and Romania. They of all people would know how to stop China.

I continued towards the dorm hall, lost in my thoughts.

What could be going on anyways?'

"Ack-!" I fell on my butt after running into someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean... to..." I looked up. "Chad, is that you?" I recognized Chad's blue, yellow and red flag from where I sat."Turkey?" I nodded, smiling as he recalled my name.

"Hey, bud how've you been?" Chad took a moment to respond, choosing his words quite carefully.

"Why are you so interested in me?" He watched me quizzically. "Huh?" What does he mean? "Just last week... You and China...? Yall were all over my ass, 'who the fuck would name a country chad!' Oh, and 'Ewww, look at you, you're just a rip off of romania!'. Sound familiar?" I slightly wavered my head from side to side, pressing my lips into a line while nodding.

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