"Now let's start this session but first, and if your both comfortable with it, I'd like to do this with only Carrie. This usually gets the best results."

Hank looked wearily over to me. "It's up to you. How do you want it?" I shrugged; would I like to have him in here with me? Hell yes, but I can deal.

I've dealt my entire life and, if this guy can help me deal in more...healthy ways, then I'm all for it.

"You can go," Hank looked unconvinced. "I'll be fine dad, promise." After one long hug, Hank stood up & followed Mr. Jacobs out of the room.

The therapist came back a minute later and sat back in the same seat as before.

"Alright Carrie, let's start by discussing why your here. I know you were psychoanalyzed yes?" Oh God did I want to forget that.

Right after Hank came home, he picked me up and took me to the hospital- both for the injures & to see what kind of mental help I'll need since...I almost slit my own throat.

Luke had to go to, his palm was cut open with a gash from the mirror. Thankfully it wasn't severe enough to have to get snitches, only a bandage/ some Advil once in a while.

My cute weren't deep either that wasn't the 'biggest problem' to quote Dr. Peters. There was a lot of cuts and some almost hit an artery.

The actual cleaning up the wounds was only around an hour but the waiting for the mental health person, or whatever their called, took four hours! That's only the time it took for them to come there.

It was another thirty minutes until he deemed me to stay over night.

After that I was given a choice; a stay in a psych ward or regular therapy and psychiatrist sessions.


"And you picked therapy?"


"Is there any reasons for that?"

"I didn't want to go to a ward."

He nodded. "There's many reasons why teens- heck anyone wouldn't want to go to one. What's yours?"

"Family." That was mostly true. I didn't want to be separated from the Andersons but also...if I went to one people would pity me even more than they do. I don't want that.

"That's fair. You really love your foster family don't you?" I nodded.

"And you wish for them to adopt you?" I nod again.

"Is there any conflict within the house?" ....what? Why does want to talk about them? I thought this was for all my father bullshit and cutting.

"I mean sometimes but that's to be expected."

He nodded. "I'm not trying to say anything bad I just want to know what let up to you attempting suicide & the cutting."

I cringed, he noticed. "Would you like me to reframe from using that word?"

"No, it's the truth."

He nodded. "The truth is very important."

"I know."

"Good. Now there are many things that made you do what you did- I'm assuming that from the reports I've been given, is that correct?"

Damn. He must know everything.


"Will you tell me some of those reasons? So we can talk about them and work through them."

He show the hesitation on my face and clarified. "I don't need the heavy stuff, not today at least, keep it light if you wish."

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