From Friendship To More

Start from the beginning

"Thanks." i smiled up at him before taking a sip and then handing it back to him. "If i'd have to drink this gruit cocktail for the rest of the night this would definitely had been it for parties and me."

Harry grinned. "Too bad i could prevent that. Would have given me an excuse to find you outside events like this."

He raised it as if to toast me beofre bringing it to his lips as my heart dropped to my stomach.

"Are you-"


Harry and i grimaced at the same time. Of course Hanna had to remember i still existed the second i was alone with HArry. She was leaning against one of her friends, a shot in one hand and a bottle of what looked like vodka in the other.

"Dance with us!" she shouted. I was about to open my mouth to answer when Harry interrupted:

"Sorry, Hanna. Y/n already agreed to accompany me outside for a smoke."

Hanna rolled her eyes and shrugged, clearly not too bothered about it before disappearing in the crowd again. I raised my brows at Harry.

"You smoke?"

"Course i don't," Harry answered, looking at me if i were crazy. "I'm asthmatic, remember?"

"You just said-"

"Wanted to get rid of her so i can keep you to myself. Besides, we agreed to talk to somehwere no one hears us." He nudged my side, grinning cheekily when he noticed me biting back a smile. "Relax, i'm nog gonna kidnap you or anything. And we're only going outside of the building, don't worry."

He held out his hand and after a second of hesitation i reached out and took it. Harry wound his fingers together with mine and pulled me towards the exit. My mouth went dry at his sudden closeness and i could have broken into a dance at how happy i felt. Heat rose to my cheeks when my gaze traveled to the bar where i met cold, jealous stare following mine and Harry's moves. Ciara's piercing blue eyes lowered to the connection between mine and Harry's hands before meeting my eyes again. Pure hatred radiated off of her and i quickly looked away to focus on Harry's back so close before me i could feel the heat radiating off of him. I was with him and not her. She could hate on me for that as much as she wanted.

Once outside, Harry led me around the corner of the building. I flinched at the sound of a glass bottle breaking and noticed the small group of men, obviously drunk and smoking something that was clearly not a normal cigarette, standing on the other side of the road. Sensing my uneasiness, Harry gently pushed me closer to the brick wall and positioned himself in front of me so he was shielding my body from them. He gave me a reassuring smile and i relaxed. The air was cold and i was glad to have Harry this close to me to share his body heat. Although really, i was never not glad to have him close.

"You don't like Ciara do you?" Harry stated, saying it like he already knew the answer.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and bit my lip.

"What makes you think that?"

He raised his brows and smirked. He reached out and fixed one of the strands of hair that had fallen into my face back behind my ear. "I saw you looking at us and since you're out here with me i figured it wasn't me you were sending that death glare to."

I shrugged. "Why knows? I may have."

He fake gasped and i grinned.

"I may not like her all that much," i admitted, "Why are you asking though?"

Harry shrugged. "It's always good to know who disliked the same person as i do. Says a lot about your character that you don't try to appeal to someone like Ciara."

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