chapter 10

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me and trevor were currently checking into our hotel room for our weekend-ish trip to new york. tonight was wednesday and we were staying until sunday. we threw our bags on the floor and i looked out the window.

"what times the game?" i turned around.

"7, but i wanna go to dinner at 4 so i hope you brought something nice to wear" he smiled and wrapped his arms around me.

"i did" i smiled. he started to lean in and then backed up.

"ok you get ready, i need to go workout" he started to walk away. i stood by the window with my arms crossed.

"you are such a tease zegras" i yelled as he turned around and winked. i rolled my eyes and jumped in the shower. i quick changed into short silky blue dress and put a little braid on the side of my hair, i still didn't like the way it looked so i threw it into a messy bun and pulled out some strands. i did my makeup quick and heard trevor walk back in. i walked out of the bathroom to see his face go from very annoyed to extremely happy.

"dam, i couldn't have got luckier" he smiled and leaned in again. i pulled away and shoved him back.

"2 can play that game zegras" i laughed, he took a shower and threw on pants that was black with white lines on it and then a black button down.

"trevor, hurry up we're gonna be late" i said clipping my earrings in and securing my straps on my heels.

"i'm ready i'm ready, can i get a kiss now" he begged. i opened the door and pushed him out.

"mmm no we're late" i said grabbing his hand as we walked out of the hotel and to the restaurant.

"hi, we have reservations for 4" he told the hostess, she led us to our table and we sat down.

"this place is so nice" i smiled.

"ok summer we gotta talk about something" he didn't seem to serious though. i nodded.

"i'm going to BU next year, i have a full ride scholarship and i wanted to let you know now" he cleared his throat. i smiled at him. "what?"

"i'm applied to BU yesterday hopefully i'll get in" i replied smiling.

"this is amazing, great, i'm crossing my fingers you get in" he exclaimed. we finished our dinner and headed back to the hotel and put on our jerseys. trevor was wearing a patrick kane jersey and i was wearing a plain new york rangers jersey.
we walked into the arena and found our seats.

"ooo what if we get on the kiss cam" i smiled and grabbed his hand.

"then you'll be forced to kiss me" he laughed. i rolled my eyes and finally the game started.

in between 2 and 3 period the kiss cam came on and i couldn't help but hope that it would land on us and as i obnoxiously sipped my soda it landed on us. he grabbed my arm and then my face and we kissed infront of millions of people.

"omg i can't believe that just happened" i squealed.

"i can" he shrugged. i tilted my head in confusion. "i have connections summer" he winked.

"really trevor" i slapped his arm. he just shot my his stupid cheesy smile. "i hate you".

"you love me" he replied and turned back towards the game.

we finished the game and started to head out of the arena.

"come on" he grabbed my hand and we started running.

"let's go explore downtown" he spoke as we slowed down. we walked along the streets until we made into a small club.

"are we allowed in here" i whispered.

"yea we just can't drink" he grabbed my hand, we walked onto the rooftop to see a bunch of people. he could tell i was nervous and he grabbed my hand a little tighter. "it's ok" he whispered in my ear and we found a seat on a couch.
eventually we ended back up in the hotel lobby.

"thank you for tonight" i smiled as we reached our door.

"anything for you" he smirked. we walked into the room and he started to kiss me.

"trevor" i said as kept kissing me. i pushed myself off and laughed.

"oh come on, this game is even now, i just wanted to kiss you" he said like a little baby. i laughed and turned around again.

"i wanna sleep" i shrugged and threw on my pjs. we climbed into bed.

"what are we gonna do tomorrow?" i asked.

"mmm, lay in bed and watch movies bed all day" he suggested.

"mmm sounds like a plan to me" i replied.
i woke up the next morning to trevor still sleeping. so i stayed in bed and turned towards him.

"trevor get up" i said running my hand along his jaw.

"no, 5 more minutes" he groaned and turned over. i just rolled my eyes and got up and walked to the bathroom.

"what are you doing, i thought we were laying in bed all day" he followed me into the bathroom.

"we are, i need to brush my teeth and get ready" i said sticking my toothbrush in my mouth. he nodded and went back to bed. after i was done getting ready i went and laid by him.

"so, what should we watch first" i asked.

"mighty ducks" he said confidently.

"ugh" i groaned. "we watch mighty ducks every time we hang out". he pouted and turned over.

"fine, then i'm going back to bed" he teased.

"fine" i turned the opposite way. we both started to laugh and then finally agreed on watching miracle instead of mighty ducks.
after laying in bed all day, i was feeling very lazy.

"trevor can we do something" i groaned.

"yea, i'm kinda bored, wanna get dinner?" he suggested. i nodded and got up. i threw on some jeans and a sweater. he just wore sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

"shopping too?" i asked as he walked into the bathroom.

"sure" he smiled as we walked out the door.

just another stupid boy t.zTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon