chapter 2

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i woke to my obnoxious alarm for the last time this week. i had to wake up extra early today to curl my hair for cheer tonight since i wasn't going home. i threw on my cheer uniform and quickly curled my hair and got my bag together. i walked downstairs to get breakfast and wait for my brothers since quinn had off this morning.

"boys let's go im leaving in 5" i yelled across the house. on fridays we always got starbucks, and we had to pick up mia. i walked to my jeep and shortly after the boys came rushing in.
we all got our usual starbucks orders and pulled into the familiar pcep parking lot.

"good morninggg everyoneee" i sang hopping out of my jeep.

"morning smiley" trevor laughed. "ahh i'm gonna start calling you smiley" he dabbed me up and gave me a hug, it last longer then i expected, i gazed up at him as we kept hugging, i stared into his eyes before alex cleared his throat ruining the moment.

"ok, anyways i expect to see all of you at the game tonight, and i'm going to be mad at whoever doesn't come" i slurped my coffee obnoxiously.

"well since we have team bonding at your place tomorrow anyway why don't we just stay at your place" john beecher spoke up.

"works for me" jack said as the warning bell went off. we all started walking and the boys started to yell "go wildcats, go wildcats".

"none of you even play a sport for our school" i laughed as trevor threw his arm over my shoulder.

"i'm offended" me and trevor walked off as i looked back to see jack giving me a dirty look.

"hey smiley" the voice of trevor spoke as we continued to walk.

"heyy" i smiled.

"soo we have a partner project that mr harvey assigned to us, saw it this morning, so just to claim my spot, ew sorry, anyways do you want to be my partner" trevor rambled.

"yes trevor i would love to be your partner" i laughed as we walked into the chemistry room.
another day flew by and now i with my bestfriends warming up for the game. i was known for center stunt and best jumps on the team. the game had started like 5 minutes ago and me and my team were heading out onto the field.

my flyers threw me up and i saw the boys sitting together. i winked and blew a kiss at them. before i went back down i saw trevor blowing a kiss back. i smiled as i hit the ground, landing on my feet barley, wobbling a little bit because of what i just saw.
the game was over and i was waiting by the school doors for my friends. mia had to go home cause she was had to watch her little brother. i saw jack and trevor running at me both scooping me up into a hug.

"that was so good" jack squealed rocking us back and forth.

"thanks?" i said smiling. trevor gave me a hug before we had to meet all the other guys to take them home.

"well boys i'll drive myself home im getting ice cream" i waved them off.

"wait i wanna come" trevor spoke up.

"uh no, come on trev, we can get our own ice cream" jack grabbed his wrist.

"your bromance is so fucking weird" i commented.

"jack all of us can't fit in your car" cole added smiling at me from behind jack. i just winked at him.

"well someone has to ride with me anyway, i'll get you all ice cream" i smiled.

"well then i'm riding with summer" trevor stated and then got into my car before saying anything else.

"ok well boys, i'll see y'all at home text me your orders" i said climbing into my car and slamming the door, jack just rolled his eyes. "where to?"

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