Prepare for the storms

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"All great changes are preceded by chaos," said the spiritual teacher and author Deepak Chopra.

To put it another way, you may get stressed and tired of trying all the time. There may be voices in your head that say things like, "you'll never change," "I'll do it later," and "what's the point anyway?" And there may be people in your life who try to influence you to stay the same.

The bottom line, there are tough times ahead.

So, if you really want to change your life for the better, prepare for the storms before they hit.

For example, you could join an online community committed to achieving the same change that you want to make, this way you can access additional support when you need it. You could also create a vision board to remind you of what you're working towards.

You can also remove things that lead to bad behaviors to stop yourself from slipping into bad habits. For instance, if you're trying to improve your diet and fitness, you could remove all unhealthy food from your home.

Although no tactic can replace your inner motivation and drive, you can help your future-self to ride out the storms until clarity and motivation return.

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