Happy Birthday to Me

Start from the beginning

"Well look in the menu and see if you can find it. The waitress is on her way over." She said.

As soon as I opened the menu the waitress came and asked for our orders. I just ordered pasta.

All throughout the lunch, I kept staring at him. I didn't even know his name. By the time we got dessert, I felt desperate. I wanted to know him, at least his mane, and I didn't care what it took. But it's not like I could go over to him and say, 'Hey I've been staring at you for the past hour, can I have your number? Oh yeah and while you're at it, why not make the erotic fantasies I've been having real.' Yeah I don't think he would appreciate that.

Or maybe I forgot to mention that I'm not out. My family and friends and everyone else think I'm as straight as they come. That I've just been 'breaking the stereotype of the testosterone filled teenage boy' and waiting for the right girl. That could be a problem.

"I have to pee." I said suddenly feeling too sad to sit there and stare. "I'll be back."

The bathroom was behind me so it was impossible for me to get any closer to him, which only made my mood drop even more.

I rushed to the sink once I had made it to the bathroom. I turned the water on and splashed some in my face.

"Kyle, you can do this." Splash. "Just go back out there and don't look at him." Splash. "He's not even there." Another splash. "He's not there. He's not there. H-"

"I don't think that's going to make anyone disappear." Someone says and I hear the door close.

"Yeah thanks. But a guy can try right?"

"I would like to think that." I grab a paper towel and dry my face. I turn around and open my eyes.

"Oh my god!" There he was. Right there. Like right there. A foot away from me stood the sexiest man I had ever laid eyes on. And I've seen some sexy men.

He chuckled. "Well not the reaction I'd thought, but it works." His chuckle was intoxicating and his smile was even more amazing than I thought it would be. His brown eyes sparkled and drew me in.

I couldn't think of anything to say. What do you say to a hot guy that has to be at least 24? "H-hi." I'm so lame.

He smiled even brighter. "Hi yourself."

He looked me in the eyes for a while and I could feel a blush spread across my face.

"So what's your name?" He asked.

"Who me?" Of course he means me. No one else is in the bathroom. He laughed.

"Yes you."

"Oh I'm K-Kyle." Crap and now I'm a stuttering mess. He's going to think I'm insane.

"Kyle." He repeats my name. I liked how he said it. "Well Kyle, I saw you staring at me back there and-"

I zoned out after that. He'd seen me staring? Now he's really going to think I'm a freak. He's probably just going to tell me to back off. I mean I don't even know if he's gay or not.

All of a sudden my face was grabbed and warm lips smashed into mine. My eyes widened at..I still don't even know his name. He was actually kissing me. His lips left far too quickly for my liking and I had to hold in a sigh of protest. A moment later his lips were back on me, on my jaw, slowing moving down to my neck. By now I didn't care if I knew the stranger or how slutty this was.

He nibbled on my neck and I lost it. My hands flew to his long hair and tangled themselves pulling him closer.

His hands slid up my shirt and ran over my abs. They continued to move up and his phone rang. Loud.

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