"Who put you out here?!" I yelled rushing to her shaking body.

Her eyes were puffy and she was crying.

"The man put me out here. Closed the door, and nobody came to get me." She whined.

"He said I needed a time out." She whined.

-Flashback Ends-

I didn't sit around to wait for anyone to come home.

Phoebe coughed, snapping me out of my daze.

"You were zoning out more than I did." She said.

"thinking of stuff," I whispered.

Phoebe nudged me, making me look up. Maddison was coming towards me.

"Hey," Maddison said looking between me and Phoebe.

"I wanted to know if you'd still be coming over after school?" She asked.

"Yes, I just have to pick up my sister before though," I said awkwardly

Why was she asking about this?

"What school does she go to?" She asked

"What's this? An interrogation?" I asked without meaning to. Her smile wavered for a bit.

"I'm just asking. You don't have to tell me" She said to me.

Phoebe snickered but quickly coughed.

"Sunshine elementary," I stated. "There was a gas
leak and she's been out for the week," I added hoping that would feed her curiosity.

I grabbed Phoebe and pulled her down the hall. I wanted to finish that conversation.

"Seems like she values study time." Phoebe joked as I dragged her away.

I stopped and turned to let go of her. I glared at her not finding her joke funny.

"I need to get to class," I said leaving her in the hall as I walked to my class.

A few hours later

Phoebe was waiting for me outside of my last class.

My head had been swarming with so many thoughts. I wanted to question Chad but neither he nor mom was around and I couldn't sit and wait.

Phoebe was talking about some stupid CD mix. And I was more busy thinking about why a four-year-old needed timeout. Sabrina wasn't a troublemaker, she didn't go and get into trouble to deserve that kind of punishment.

"You wanna go to the movies Friday?" Phoebe asked pulling out two tickets. "It's been weeks since we hung out." She added handing me a ticket.

It was tickets to see some bee movie. It was true we didn't hang out like how we used to. I've gotten extra busy and pushed her to the side in the process.

I would have to do it again right now. Before I could tell her she beat me to it.

"Wow, I guess the stereotypes always find their way in high school"

I turned around and saw Maddison and Alex talking. His hand on her waist, I haven't seen them interact much. It wasn't even my business but it was just weird.

"I have to go but I'll talk to you later," I said ignoring the site and walking away.

I wasn't so nervous to leave Sabrina home alone. But I didn't want her home alone at the same time.

15 minutes later

I checked the house twice when I got home. The house was empty and Sabrina was in my room where I left her.

I walked back to my room and saw Sabrina coloring in the book I gave her before I checked the house.

I had wanted to ask Sabrina more about that night but I didn't want to stress her little head out.

"Do you want to get in the bath? We can go for ice cream after." I suggest sitting down beside her.

"Strawberry ice cream?" She said looking up at me.

I pinched her cheek, "any flavor you want."

I picked her up heading to the bathroom.

Once she was showered and dressed. We headed to the mall. I wanted to get out of the house and I wanted Sabrina to eat something other than vanilla pudding.

We spent some extra time in the food courts once we got there. Sabrina wanted to try all the corn dogs they had to offer and she was smiling.

After eating and shopping around for toys we left and headed to Maddison's.

20 minutes later

I pulled into the driveway seeing Alex and his car in the driveway. I sighed and just waited in my car until he left.

Maddison and Alex hugged, he leaned in to kiss her but she turned and dodged it. She said something but I wasn't a lip reader nor was it my business.

I got out of the car once Alex was inside his. Sabrina followed suit running up the driveway. Maddison and I made contact and she smiled nervously.

She started to play with her fingers.

"Hey." She said looking at the ground.

"Um, I'm sorry about Alex. He dropped me home after practice" she said

"Okay, that's not my business so I don't wanna know" I stated

I didn't need to know any of her business this was strictly school related. She smiled a bit and turned to walk to the house, I followed behind her.

I heard a theme song that sound familiar to Peppa pig. Sabrina must've been watching it cause I heard her giggles.

She never giggled at home unless I was entertaining her. It felt different, I didn't know how to feel.

"He had been talking about Sabrina all day. He even made finger sandwiches." Maddison laughed.

I  smiled to myself knowing Sabrina was welcome here for the time being. Especially since I kinda just brought her here.

This wasn't permanent though. It never was and besides this was a school-related issue once it was over, this was too.

Author's Note

I know I have a few readers here...so to those that have been reading...lets vote and comment!!! I wanna know ur thoughts!!

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