Chapter Eight

Começar do início

I frown, remembering the child from that village I was at with Frieza. 'It all seems like a lifetime ago already...'

"I'm sorry about your friend, if only I had got here sooner..." I shake my head, applying more pressure to Vegeta's wound to ease my inner frustration.

I can feel Krillin looking at me as I hold onto Vegeta's wound, "I remember you from Dende's village, you were with Frieza and those guys... It makes me wonder... are you really on our side?" He asks, eyeing me suspiciously.

I snap my head up to him, looking him in the eyes, "If you remember seeing me then you must recall that I was chained to Frieza's chair." I retort back defensively, but his words ring through my head, the guilt I had started to bury made it's way back to the surface. 'I could have prevented this...'

Krillin flinches, "Right, right..." He says nervously, reaching up to scratch his head, giving me a closed eye smile as a blush creeps across his face.

I lower my gaze back towards the Prince, oblivious to Krillin's reaction. "I know how everything looks... I'll be happy to answer all of your questions... later. Right now, we need to help Vegeta. So did you guys bring any supplies or not?" I say, circling back to my original question.

Krillin shakes his head, "We did, but our ship got destroyed... Bulma might have something, but I'm not sure..." he trails off

The planet starts to rumble beneath us, I look up and see Frieza and Goku exchanging blows, pieces of Namek start flying past us, causing my hair to whip across my face from the wind of their energies, their fight has begun.

I turn back to Krillin, "I'm not sure who this 'Bulma' is, but it sounds like my best bet's going to be Frieza's ship. You guys should come with me so we can figure out a way off this planet. If Kakarot is truly strong enough to end him like he says he is, knowing Frieza he'd rather destroy this planet than take defeat. It's in everyone's best interest to get as far away from this fight as you can." I say bluntly, trying not to dwell on Kakarot's safety.

Krillin's watching the fight, seemingly lost in thought. "You go on ahead to the ship, I'll let the others know. If you don't see us after too long, come find us. The moment we stepped foot on this planet nothing has gone according to plan, so might as well prepare for the worst."

"Right. I better be going then." I say, earning a nod from Krillin.

I close my eyes and bring my left pointer and middle finger to my forehead, I concentrate and project my energy to search the area in the direction I remember Frieza's ship being in. After a moment I feel a very faint energy signature, possibly dissipating Ki from the soldiers Vegeta killed. Using instant transmission, I transport the Prince and I near the energy signature.

We find ourselves right inside of the ship, our position unchanged. Vegeta lying on his back with my right hand applying pressure to his shoulder wound. I decide it's best for me to go and bring supplies back to him rather than move his body. I channel my power to my legs and take off running, jumping over the numerous bodies lying around. I check all the science labs, and I was right, all the recuperation tanks have been destroyed. I quickly find a medical station nearby the last lab I checked, finding a cabinet full of different kinds of dressings, healing gels, sutures, and needles. Filling my arms with necessities I make my way back to Vegeta, his body remained untouched, I set everything around me and begin to work.

I pull back the cloth pieces off the wound, it has started to clot around the edges but is still bleeding. I pour antiseptic liquid on a towel and on the hole, gently wiping away blood around the wound so I can have a clean field to start on. I pick up a needle and quickly put the sturdy line through the hole, tearing a long piece off with my teeth.

Proud & Powerful (Goku OR Vegeta x FOC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora