Chapter Six

129 11 4

TW; blood/gore


     The two beings stand across from each other, fiercely staring one another down. Frieza is reeling from the surprising betrayal from his Pet, he didn't want to admit to himself how much this treachery stung him. The Emperor was sure that he had broken the Woman over the years of mindless torture and brainwashing.

     This blowing up in his face showed him the true resilience of the Saiyans, and it angered him deeply how they had slipped so far from his grasp. His fear he had always had of the race's true power was starting to prove true. As the woman continued to gaze at the Dictator with silent intensity, Frieza's fists started to shake at his side.

     "The audacity... After all I've done for you, you'd throw all of this away for a couple of puny monkeys, an Earthling, and a Namek?" Frieza laughs, trying to ease the sting of his ego, he narrows his eyes back to Xylias,

     "They'd never accept you, and with the arrogance of the Saiyan's, you'd spend eternity alone." he says with a sly grin.

     If his comment affected Xylias, she didn't show it. "You're wrong Frieza... Just as you were wrong about me." she says without emotion, simultaneously launching herself forward for a direct assault.

     Frieza corrects his stance, bringing his tail to his front to block the incoming attack. Just as she comes up to his face she disappears, appearing behind him she spins around and delivers a powerful kick to his backside. The impact sends Frieza sliding in the opposite direction, but he put his hands on the ground to stop the movement, pivoting back to face Xylias again.

     "My, my, that almost stung. Too bad I must destroy that pretty face!" He yells as he thrusts himself forward to begin his fierce counterattack. Xylias calmly adjusts her guard stance, but inside her Saiyan instincts are giddy with excitement, 'This battle will change everything.' she thinks as she quickly prepares her defense strategy.

     Wildlife of all kinds scatter away from their nests, burrows, and other hiding places as explosions sound, echoing loudly throughout the landscape. Several geysers of dirt and water shoot up within short distances of each other, and many of the surrounding hills cracked before their towering forms crumbled due to the unstable ground that the explosions had caused, crashing to the ground loudly, shaking the planet.

     The 3 Earthlings were holding their ground, watching the intense battle take place. The 2 beings fighting could barely be seen, it looked like they were appearing and disappearing, followed by explosions and booming loud cracks from the powerful blows dealt to one another, sounding similar to thunder.

     "Can any of you see what's going on?" Krillin asks the other two, concern clear in his voice.

     "Not really... they're fighting with such immense speed; I can barely keep up..." Piccolo responds, sweat dripping from his forehead

     Gohan is silent, processing the events happening before him, feeling very unsure of everything. 'Daddy... where are you?' his subconscious cries.

     Vegeta strains to pull himself up to prop his body upright against a small rock, grunting in pain as he sits against it. His ribs, one of his arms and one of his legs are definitely broken, and the planet shaking isn't helping the pain. But through his pain he watches the battle with interest, unbeknownst to him he was one of two who could follow their movements.

     He was impressed, he looked up and watched as the Mysterious Woman efficiently dodged Frieza's incoming attacks, while landing her own blows to the Emperor. He can tell she wasn't flying, but is using hers and Frieza's momentum to propel herself in the air to imitate flight, everyone could feel the gusts of winds from their energies. They are in an all-out brawl, each throwing Ki blasts, punches, and kicks to each other's vital points while simultaneously dodging and blocking. It seems the Woman was of close power to Frieza. Vegeta watches her graceful movements in wonder, 'I must find out the identity of this Woman.' he tells himself.

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