𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 7 - 𝓖𝓪𝓫𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓵 𝓐𝓰𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓮

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For this chapter:
C/n - Company name
S/n - Ship name

Y/n's POV:

Darkness had seemed to have engulfed you. The pain was much to bear. At first, you felt angry, at the cat, for toying with you. But that vengeance, and anger, turned into bitter sadness, and sympathy, for yourself.

Currently, you were in your limousine, and on your right, was Ezra, who was jotting down notes. You hadn't been told where you were going. Just that, it was something to do with your Mother's business. You hadn't really spoken to her, since the day that she had scheduled a photoshoot on your free day. She knew how much you cherished those, yet she still chose to torture you with those modelling-shoots! It seemed as if everything was going wrong for you.

"Ezra, and Miss (L/n), I'd assume." A voice stated, opening the door for you. The voice belonged to a girl, she looked to have a similar outfit like Ezra, and had red streaks in her hair. Stepping out of the vehicle, you examined your surroundings. You were at a mansion, similar to yours, yet different in color. This one lacked in several forte's. Primarily in it's shape. It was extremely boxy, something that you hated in houses.

"Nathalie. Good to see you." Ezra replied, her voice firm and sharp. The woman now identified as Nathalie, grabbed your bags, that held your needed camera-setup. 

"Mr. Agreste, has asked you to meet at his office." Nathalie directed, pointing to a room on the left. Nodding, you follow Ezra into the vast room.

The man that Nathalie had mentioned, stood behind a large lectern, Mr. Agreste, was it? He was skinny, but incredibly tall. You swore, he was almost 9 foot! Snapping out of your thoughts, you followed the tall man's gaze towards a boy, who looked to be his son. Understanding what he meant, you sat down next to him. Eerie silence filled the room, for a good few minutes, as many others piled into the studio. The tall man, who you had silently decided to call 'the giraffe', began typing on his ipad, before projecting his work onto a large screen.

"This year, our rival modelling company, (C/n), had decided to join us, to create the biggest marketing product that the world has ever seen!" Giraffe said, not a tint of emotion in his voice. You look up, when had you agreed to this? You never modelled for anyone but Mother! How dare she agree to sign you up with this Agreste company?

"Y/n L/n, and my son, Adrien, will be pairing up to create one of the best magazines in the world! A brand new company, called, S/n!" He adds, pointing at Nathalie to take notes.

You gasp, turning to the blonde beside you. His mouth is agape. They wanted both of you to start over with a new company, as well as run your own one's?

"Now, you may all take your leave, I would like to have a private word with the children." Giraffe announces, directing his audience towards the door. You look around the room in shock. You didn't want to model with the rich daddy's  boy!

"Now, I know that the starting of a magazine company takes time, and popularity will not be in our favor. But, since you both model for large companies, if you were to say, do something that would result in getting attention to S/n, then, it would benefit all of us." Mr. Agreste said, sitting in front of you. A solemn sense of tease was in his monotonous voice. You look at him, with anger. You knew what he was hinting at, he wanted you to date his son, Adrien!

"Mr. Agreste, sir, but Adrien and I know nothing about each other! With all due respect, this is nonsense!" You seethe, kicking the chair with your heels. You stared at the blonde, trying to make him say something, in his defense. But he just stood there, mouth wide open.

"I didn't mean anything like that. You could chose to keep this relationship that I want you to have, as a fake. But the public mustn't know." 

You stare at the blonde, who was nodding. As much as you wanted to accept, you knew that your heart belonged to Chat Noir. He had accepted your feelings, but had declined them, because he was dating someone else. Perhaps you could use this as an opportunity, to make him jealous? Make him come back? You knew toying with Adrien's feelings would be wrong, but it was a fake relationship, after all!

"Alright. I'll do it!" You smirk, tossing your (H/c) locks behind your shoulder. Chat Noir should be expecting a shock, sometime soon.

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