𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 2 - 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓰𝓮 𝓞𝓷𝓮

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Adrien Agreste POV:
Today, was like any other. By now, I had completely given up on running from the fans. They had become as much part of my life, as I had theirs.

"Adrien! Adrien Agreste, please, one autograph!" A voice yelled. Something about that voice...

I spun around, to see, no other, than Marinette. I chuckled at her childish mocking, of the fans.

"See, I seem like one of the fans now, don't I?" She giggles, flailing her arms. I laugh at her, kissing her on the forehead shortly after.

Hand in hand, we both walked across the Seine. It was a magical moment. Plus, I knew that behind a few certain trees, Y/n was probably drawing. I had never seen her draw, but the way she does it, the emotion she feels, it's as if it were part of her. God, I'm becoming a cringey poet now, aren't I?

Marinette said something, which I didn't hear, I was staring off into the distance, completely zoned out. Totally not thinking of Y/n. Who was JUST a crush. Right back at you, I'm further from stage one! I'm not calling her just a friend anymore, though, she isn't even a friend. She probably doesn't even know me! 

"Adrien! Calm down, what's wrong?" Marinette asks, placing the back of her hand on my head. Was I that transparent?

"Sorry, just feeling a little down. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Alright! Bye, Adrien!" She says, going on her tippy-toes, to kiss me on the cheek. I uncomfortably squirmed from her. This didn't feel like how it did before.


Running away from Marinette, I quickly ducked into an alleyway, narrowly missing a herd of fans. Plagg flies out from under my hood, and crosses his arms at me, sternly.

"You really have it in for the ladies, Adrien! Just go back to Marinette, you don't even know Y/n!" He groans, plopping a large chunk of camembert into his mouth.

"Not yet. I'm going to go meet her!"

"This is exactly why I prefer cheese over women."

"Chill, I'm just going to go talk to her! One formal greeting never hurt no-one!" I quickly rally, checking the time. It wasn't too late, she might still be at the lake, where she always is! Plagg noticed my expression.

"No, No, No! I don't want to transform, go meet Y/n another d-"

"Plagg, claws out!" I say, cutting in between his sentence. Once transformed, I quickly ran across the rooftops, to Y/n's house. I knew where she lived, yes, but then again, everyone did. She was the global ambassador of her Mother's brand, after all.


Y/n POV:

"Chat Noir?" You asked, pensively peering over the balcony ledge.

"Oh, erm, I just wanted to come say hello, you know, us superheros love making friendly rendezvous." The masked hero says simply. You nervously rub the back of your neck, stumbling backwards a few steps. Had he figured out your sixth sense? Did he want to make you part of the team or something? This was exactly why you didn't tell anyone! Were you in trouble for violation of power law, or something?

Noticing the worried look on your face, Chat Noir quickly cut in.

"No, no! Don't be scared, you just looked like a friendly person to talk to!" He said, shaking his hands in front your face. You didn't trust him, maybe he was trying to buy his way into your friendship. You decided to be careful with what you said around him.

"Well, I know your name, you don't know mine. I'm Y/n! It's an honor to speak to you, Chat Noir." You say, smiling delightfully.

"Nice to meet you too, m'lady." He said, bending down, and kissing your hand. From the distance, unknown to the pair of you, a familiar spotted female was watching.

"So, you heroes just go around visiting citizen's houses?"

"Err- all part of the job." He said, simply, making himself comfortable on your bed.

It wasn't everyday that the savior of Paris was in your house, least of all your room!

"So, which school do you go to?" Chat asked, after a while, snapping you out of your thoughts. You knew he would feel awkward, if you kept the silence going on, so you decided to treat him like a normal person.

"Collège Françoise Dupont!" You answer, glad to be making conversation. Chat narrowed his eyes, as if testing whether or not it was true.

"I'm not there yet, I'm going to start in three weeks." You add, quickly. You didn't want to seem like a liar already.

"Oh what a cat-astrophe, you're not in the same school as me, pumpkin!" Chat said dramatically. You blush lightly at the name, it wasn't everyday that the hero of Paris grew a liking for you! He was also your idol, after Ladybug, of course.

"So, erm, does the kitty-cat actually want to help, or is he just here to bother me?" You tease, pulling at his bell. He grins, ear to ear, before saying, plainly.

"What do you need help with?"

"For starters, my math homework. I need to finish it, as well as my art assignment. You're good at math, right? You can do that, I'll do the art project!"

"Why do you get the good one! I hate math! Actually, I loathe it!" He seethed, pouting cutely. You chuckle, bursting into a fit of laughter. He was hilarious.

"Y/n, is everything okay, up there?" Your assistant calls, making you stumble backwards in shock. Chat Noir looked at you, as if asking permission for something. You looked at him, bewildered, before realizing you had toppled on top of him. Getting up, sweating profusely, you help the poor cat up.

"Yeah, Ezra, I'm fine!" You call back out to her, lending Chat a hand, in opening the window again.

"I doubt that, I'm coming up to check!" Ezra, your assistant calls, storming up the stairs. You glance at Chat, signaling for him to get up, and leave.

"Bye, kitty-cat!" You whisper, feeling more comfortable around him, after today. He was very easy to talk to, especially to your introverted self.

"See you soon, pumpkin!" He winks, running out. You look out of the balcony, at the spot where he jumped off from.

Ezra walks into the room, her blonde hair trailing behind her.

"Seriously? Have you been running? And your bed's a mess! You're so red! What's been happening in here?!" She scolded, hurriedly picking up the dropped books. You assist her in doing so, while looking out of the window, once again. You kept glancing back at it, as if expecting the Cat to come once more. Even though you had only met him once, you had decided that you would love to have a friend like him. You had taken liking to the famous black cat of Paris. He was your friend now, and you could expect more visits from him. Hopefully.

And it seemed, he had taken liking...

To you.

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