𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 3 - 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓵𝓲𝓰𝓮𝓼

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Chat Noir POV:

"Chat Noir!" A familiar voice called out, as I was leaving the house. I gulped. Had she seen me?

"So, is that your girlfriend...?" She asked. If I said yes, she would think I had told Y/n my identity, even though I hadn't, and she wasn't my girlfriend! But if I told her that she wasn't my girlfriend, she would think I was cheating, and start lecturing me! Little did she know, my girlfriend was Ladybug, herself! Oh, the dramatic irony!

"No, erm, she's just a civilian, that I met!"

"Chat! If your girlfriend sees you, what would she think! More over, hawkmoth might see that you like this girl, Y/n!" Ladybug argues, banging her yoyo on my head. I rub it, thinking over her words.

"Well, it's not like I like her, she's just a friend!" I say, realizing that I had made friends with her. I smile, glad that I had done that.

"If I was your girlfriend, I wouldn't think that. You're always staring at her, and visiting her at night!" Ladybug says, fuming, not realizing how on point she was. Though, this visit was my first. But, I did plan on coming more. Just as friends. Since I was dating Marinette. Who I totally loved. Yup. That was it.

"If you continue like this, as guardian, I'll have no choice but to remove your miraculous privileges." She adds, firmly. I look at her, flabbergasted. I had never seen this side of Marinette before. If she saw me, in my civilian form, doing that, she would be heart broken!

I look down, in shame. I didn't want to stop visiting Y/n! If Ladybug was this pressed on 'cheating' then she would have to explains her daily rendezvous to Luka's place!

"What about that boy, Luka?" I ask.

"That's diff- Ugh! This isn't your place to argue, Chat!"

"Sorry, LB, but you need to get your priorities straight! Hypocrisy wouldn't look good on your report, with Grand-master Su-Han!" I say, shaking my finger in front of my face. She groans inwardly, staring at me, with dagger-like glares.

"Fine. But make sure these visits are PG only!" Ladybug says, running off.

Ladybug POV:

After patrol, like usual, I went to the lake, which was where Chat was usually. He had a girlfriend, yet he always stared at this one girl. It was either she was his girlfriend, and he was hiding it from me, so I didn't work out his identity, or, he liked her.

No, he loved her.

If I was his girlfriend, I would be heartbroken! I don't keep any crushes, I'm fully devoted to Adrien, yet, his mind is always elsewhere. Perhaps he is sick, like he told me, god, I'm always over-reacting!

"Hey, Y/n!" A voice rung out, I looked around. The miraculous boosts all basic senses, and activities, so I could hear better than normal people. But the voice was fairly loud. It was Chat Noir, I would recognize that voice anywhere!

He was going into this girl, Y/n's house. How dare he? He had a girlfriend! This just proved my point!

Inside, the pair were talking. Out of the blue, Y/n decided to grab his bell, and pull him closer to her. What was going on in there?

I tried to hear further, but I knew that Chat had better hearing than me. He would spot me a mile away.

Attempting to get a clearer view, I ducked around a bush.

When I popped out, on the other side, Chat was on her window sill. He bent down, to whisper something, before leaving. God, he was almost asking to have his miraculous revoked, and for his girlfriend to break up with him! If I saw my Adrien doing that, I would forgive him, yes, but that was only because I trusted him! Black cats on the other hand, brought nothing but bad luck, they weren't to be trusted!

"Chat Noir!" I called to him, as he was about to run off. He spun around, sheepishly looking at me. No, guiltily, looking at me. What had he been doing in there? Don't tell me he had told her his identity! Trying to calm down, from rage, anger, and sympathy for his girlfriend, I asked him one, slow question.

"So, is that your girlfriend?"

If he said yes, then that would mean he told her his identity, if he said no, then he would be cheating! Aha! Caught you, Chaton!

"No, erm, she's just a civilian, that I met!" He said, clearly lying. He had been completely staring at her for the past few weeks, she wasn't 'just a civilian'. God, he was worse than Adrien!

"Chat! If your girlfriend sees you, what would she think! More over, hawkmoth might see that you like this girl, Y/n!" I argued, smacking him on the head, with my yoyo. Did he not see that he was in love, and that he was blindly following it's essence? He needed to snap back to his senses!

"Well, it's not like I like her, she's just a friend!" Chat says, a look of realization splashes across his face, though he visibly tries to hid it.

"If I was your girlfriend, I wouldn't think that. You're always staring at her, and visiting her at night!" I reply, fuming.

"If you continue like this, as guardian, I'll have no choice but to remove your miraculous privileges." I add, firmly. He needed to get a hold of himself! This was getting out of hand!

"What about that boy, Luka?" He asks, bowing his head. Why did he always have to be right?

"That's diff- Ugh! This isn't your place to argue, Chat!" I say, trying not to let him win the argument.

"Sorry, LB, but you need to get your priorities straight! Hypocrisy wouldn't look good on your report, with Grand-master Su-Han!" He mumbles confidently, shaking his finger in front of my face. I groan, cursing under my breath.

"Fine. But make sure these visits are PG only!" I add, running off, I had a date with Adrien, soon. I didn't want this silly Kitty to ruin it.

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