𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 4 - 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓑𝓮𝓪𝓾𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓼

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Chat Noir POV:

Y/n and I had been hanging out, for a few months now. Honestly, I couldn't have been happier. However, this whole time, I have this nagging feeling in my heart. As if I was betraying Ladybug/Marinette. I don't know what to do. I'm not sure what I feel anymore. All I know is that...

I don't love Marinette anymore.

I was 100% sure, that Y/n had taken her place, yet, whenever I look at Marinette, a sinking weight grows in my chest. Perhaps I still love her, and am scared to lose her. Or maybe, I was scared, to break her heart. I didn't want her to hate me, she was one of my closest friends, but I knew that the bond between me and Y/n had made over the past few months was much more precious to me.

Closing my eyes, I envisioned the advice Nino had given me earlier this week.

"You should spend time with this girl, that you keep telling me about. One last time, together. If, at the end of the day, you feel that you would have rather spent it with Marinette, then you have your answer. Otherwise, you shouldn't lead her on, dude."

I look out into the distance, rethinking on the advice. Maybe, it was worth a shot.

Y/n's POV:

Quickly wrapping up the current conversation with Ezra, you make your way to your room. Chat Noir usually visited at this time, and the pair of you had grown to be good friends.

Yes, you idolized him, he was the hero of Paris after all! But a little crush never hurt anyone, right?

"Miss me, Pumpkin?" A familiar voice rang out. You run to your balcony, peering out, just in time to spot Chat Noir coming up, with the help of his extendable stick.

"Kitten!" You grin, hugging him warmly. He tenses, before easing into the embrace.


Several hours passed by, and the moon had risen, causing the pitch black, starry sky to fall on Paris.

"Hey, you know the one thing we haven't done yet?" Chat asks, ironically, untangling out of the bed covers, that he had lifted up to his chin.


"We haven't visited the Eifel Tower!" He chimes, taking your hand, and leading you to the balcony. You nod excitedly, it wasn't everyday that you got to visit Paris's best-known monument, with your idol!

"Trust me." He mouths, picking you up, while swinging your arms around his neck.


The feeling of the wind, soaring through Paris... It was an unforgettable experience. You feel Chat place you down, silently whispering into your ear, for you to open your eyes.

"Wow... Chat, it's beautiful!" You exclaim, gripping onto his hand tightly, in fear of falling. The illuminated city looked better at night, with less crowd. You gave him a soft smile, thanking him for the experience.

Chat takes his hand out of your grasp, and quickly jumps off.

"I'll be back~" He calls out, as he does so.


By the time the Kitty was back, you were freezing.

"Idiot." You mumble, as he wraps a blanket around you. He had gone to get one... he was so sweet!

Cuddling up together, you look down, at the city of Paris, glad to be with each other.

Chat Noir POV:

Honestly, time flies by, when you're with the someone you love. As a friend.

It's hard to believe it had already been hours, since we had come to the Eifel Tower. Y/n had fallen asleep long ago, on my shoulder. I smile at her, she looked so darn cute as she slept.

I picked her up, kissing her on the forehead as I did. As much as I wanted to stay here, when the tourists come up, the next morning, I doubt this is what they want to see.

Placing her in bed, I tuck her covers up to her chin. I furrow my brows in sadness, I didn't want to leave... But, then again, Father would kill me.

"Goodbye, Pumpkin." I whisper softly, into her ear, retreating slowly.

Taking one last glance at her, I jump out of the window, making my way back home.

I had my decision, and now, I was certain.

I didn't love Marinette, no, not one bit. I think my minor admiration for Ladybug, had me mistaking it for love.

I love Y/n.

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