2. "Sheep are creepy."

En başından başla

I frowned at the message before typing out a reply of my own.

heyitskit:- Can I be a sadist and unfollow you now? And what makes you sure of me being human?

I slipped my phone in my pocket, and continued to eat a bite of my lunch. I was starving. I twirled the fork around in the spaghetti to take another mouthful when my phone beeped.

I sighed. This cupid guy was a really fast at responding to messages.

Opening Instagram, I eyed his reply.

ConfessionsWithCupid:- Aren't you quite mean? And besides, I don't think I'm interacting with a sheep or something. Because sheep are creepy.

I glared at the screen of my phone, disliking him already. All the frustration and annoyance I had in me from Gabby's tears and the science test I had tomorrow, I showed it all on this guy.

heyitskit:- Can you hear me bleating? :) And no offence, but I don't like your profile. At all. There's no point of falling in love if eventually you're going to fall out of it. You make love sound so 'unicorns and rainbows' for all those twelve year old girls who follow your account. Teach them what's right. Don't teach them how to get their hearts broken.

I sighed, not bothering to even put my phone down because it buzzed, with an instant reply. God, that guy...

confessionswithcupid:- The thing is, Kitcat, I don't teach them how to fall in love. I advise them on how to stay in love. Because that's what's most important. And if you had stalked my profile a little more, you would have seen also how I tell them on not leaving your heart in the wrong hands... Maybe you're not a stalker. But I am ;) 

Seconds later, I got a bunch of notifications that he had liked my pictures and also another message from him.

confessionswithcupid:- There, I liked about ten of your pictures. You're cute, that blonde hair and all. Creeped out yet? 

Kitcat? Who was he to nickname me?! I hardly even knew this guy! He could be a psychotic murderer for all I know.

I frowned suddenly, my fingers typing a random question.

heyitskit:- Why do you even love 'love' so much?

His reply came seconds later, so easily and quickly.

confessionswithcupid:- Love makes everybody happy. To know that there's someone out there for you that loves you and can do anything for you? That's an amazing feeling.

heyitskit:- But that feeling will fade. You won't feel that wanted, special or important anymore. And the aftershocks of falling out of love are not worth the feeling of being in love.

His answer surprised me.

ConfessionsWithCupid:- It was never love to begin with if you fall out of it.


"Jason and I bumped into each other in the hallway again," Gabby was saying, holding a jar of nutella, swirling the spoon in the gooey goodness.

The only way I can cheer up my best friend after a breakup is with nutella and listening to her rant.

"It was so painful because it was obvious that Jason wanted to talk to me, but then that stupid cheerleader who has this insane crush on him popped up and started to flirt with him-"

Love HappensHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin