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I was sitting in a my room, coloring. Well, I guess it isn't MY room, more like OUR room. I shared it with 11 others.

Via (Olivia)
And lastly,me.

They were all outside playing. I don't go outside, unless there's a rainbow.

I feel like the rainbows are especially bright for me. Don't judge.

"Everybody ages 7-10 please come down."
That was Mrs. Emma. She was a nice worker.

I put my crayon down, and carefully walked downstairs.

I stood in a line. There were 7 of us.

Me, Alex, Dana, Yasmin, Sara, Penny, and Marci.

The person coming to adopt was a woman with brown wavy hair. Looked nice enough, then again, they all do at first.

"Everybody, Mrs. Jackson is going to pick one of you to take hone, okay?" Mrs. Emma says.

The lady walked over to Marci, a 9 year old. Marci whispered something in her ear. The lady walked over to me.

"Hi, I'm Sally. How about you go pack your bag? I'm going to adopt you." she said.

I nodded, excited.

I ran up the stairs, and pulled out a pink, yellow, and green backpack.

Then I realized, I was going home with a complete stranger. I started hyperventilating.

Then I also realized, I had gotten a phone from Mrs. Emma. I could just call the police.

I got my tye-dye phone from a table, packed some clothes and coloring supplied, and walked downstairs.

Sally's POV

Paul and I both agreed that we would adopt a little girl, to surprise Percy and his friends.

When all the girls lines up, I walked over to one.

"Don't adopt Tyler, that girl over there. She has ADHD and Dyslexia. she's so stupid." She whispered to me. I walked over to this, Tyler girl, and told her I was adopting her.

Adopted by Sally JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now