Chp. 11- Must Hate The Kidnapper

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Dear Natalia Jean Baptise,

It has been wonderful to see your work. We have looked into your studies and they are phenomenally amazing. We've never seen such a great biologist like you are. We would like to inform you that Mr. Charles Rezinea has set up a meeting for you two meet in person.

When we looked into all of your lovely reports, we thought that it would be an amazing opportunity for you to work with us. We would be very pleased if you joined us. Please think about our offer and call the number below for further information... Please get back to us as soon as possible.


Thank you! Sincerely,

Aimee from Biology Tech.

By the time Natalia finished reading the letter, she was speechless.

"Well, what did it say?" Jeremiah asked excitedly, while throwing his arms up in the air. Natalia thrashed the well written paper towards Jeremiah, and he took it carefully.

"Read it!" She squealed, super speechless at the letter she received. Biology Tech. was one of the biggest and successful business in the whole state of New York! They wanted her out of all the other successful biologists out there who wanted to work there too.

After one full minute of reading the paper, he rushed towards Natalia and picked her up.

"I'm so happy for you! I can't even imagine how happy you must be right now!" Jeremiah frowned when he noticed the scowl on her face."What's wrong? Aren't you super excited?" He asked, worry evident in his voice.

"Of course," She smiled sadly. "I just.... What about Adam? I love those kids to death.. There's nowhere in hell that I could just leave everyone like that. Those kids love me, Jeremy." She sighed in defeat as they began to walk towards the steps of their school.

"You could work two jobs?" He suggested quietly. Natalia chuckled and hit her boyfriend playfully against his shoulder.

"Dummy, do you how hard it is to just work one job?" She asked him and he rubbed the spot that she hit. 'Such a baby'. She thought to herself.

"Well... You'll at least think about what I just said, right?" He asked her, hoping that she would say yes.

"Uh," Natalia licked her lips and closed her eyes. "Yeah, maybe. I will." Jeremiah's frown turned upside down and he rushed to Natalia once more, engulfing her in another warm hug.

They bid their goodbyes and began to walking towards their first class. The door cracked open and there was no one in there except for Ms. Snappywhether. She was sitting in her seat, snoring loudly with her flabby arms covering her face. Was she early or late? Natalia cleared her throat loudly, but she didn't budge.

She walked over to her desk and sat down, taking her laptop out of her bag. She tried to make as much noise as possible to wake Ms. Snappywhether up, so she could figure out what was going on. Just then, she heard the door creak open, and a group of students started to file in loudly. Ms.Snappywhether snapped her head up at the chatter. Really?

After she realized that she was just early, she began to take out the rest of her items from her bag.

"Alright class," Just then, a skinny boy with red hair started bursting out laughing. One of his friends asked him what was so funny, then out of nowhere he began to laugh too. Next thing she knew, more and more students began to laugh. Seriously, what was so funny? A girl that sat in front of Natalia turned around and snickered.

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