23. Bon Voyage

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"Lisa...", Jungkook whispers to himself.

"I'm sorry??", Lalisa frowns at the boy's wide eyes that are fixed on her.

"Nothing my lady....", Jungkook replies shaking his head, slightly breaking out of his trance, "I'll take my leave now...", He says bowing and then leaves.. or almost runs away from the court.

"Strange boy...", Lalisa whispers, "Hyun-seok ?", She calls.

"Yes my Lady?", the guard comes forward.

"From now on.. I want you to tail that boy... especially when he is inside Bright Hills or around the King...I'll give you a letter... show it to the King.. and you will be out of the royal guard's suspension..."

"Yes my Lady... Your order will be followed...", The guard replies.


"WHAT?? SHE WANTS YOU TO LEAVE FOR BRIGHT HILLS?? ALL ALONE?? NOW??", Soyeon asks running around in her study.

" Well... that's what I believe I've been telling you since past hour..", Jungkook replies sitting on the arm chair next to the study table.

"Oh this is bad!", Soyeon exclaims.

"Why? I thought you said you can trust me things bigger than visiting court alone..", Jungkook raises an eyebrow.

"I meant after I complete preparing you!! This is too fast! Meeting directly with the king! Anything can go wrong at this point!! I...", Soyeon explains.

"Soyeon? Soyeon? Calm down!", Jungkook says making her sitting down the arm chair next to him, "Have faith in me! You have entrusted me with your everything and I vow not to fail you at any cost! Trust me Aunt!!", Jungkook tries to calm her.

"I know Jungkook, I know..", Soyeon says smiling a little, "You have such a good heart.. like a born hero.. If I am tensing right now.. it's not because I don't trust you, because I do, it's because that I do not trust them!! I do not trust the king! I know if I say this out loud and if anyone hears me.. I can be arrested immediately for treason.. but it is what it is! That man till date has done nothing for me to have faith in him... when everyone turned their heads from us.. he didn't help us.. knowing perfectly what's happening to us is wrong, he choses to be oblivious.. We are his subjects as well.. We deserve to have our voices be heard.. or at least a fair trial.. But instead our authority over Ya-gora is taken from us.. just like that.. I said one 'no', and our entire world turned upside down!", Soyeon informs truthfully.

Jungkook sighs before holding her hands tight.

"The worst part is that they are still playing with me.. waiting for a mistake to be done.. a mistake to be proved.. to take whatever our family still has left... They gave me a choice at the court's gate today.. they knew if I chose to go with you... I'll be seen as the mastermind and control taker... giving a bad impression to the case.. and if I did not go... they can easily force you to leave for Bright Hills.. without giving you any chance protest at all.. It was a win-win situation for them..", Soyeon sighs.

"I won't anything happen to this family anymore Soyeon.. I promise you. I'll earn your name back!", Jungkook says with a determination.

"Thank you Jungkook. I needed that..", Soyeon smiles as a tear falls.




Jungkook sits on his bed looking at the luggage he has just prepared for the journey next day.

‘It’s gonna suck..’, He thinks sitting there. For unknown reason, he feels a major déjà vu vibe from all this. Like it all happened to him before. Packing for an unknown journey, lack of sleep due to excitement or anxiety, and more than all something tells his that his previous voyage wasn’t very welcoming by him, hence he knows, it’ll suck as well.

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