Chapter Eleven

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This chapter might not make much sense but still


[Wednesday's point of view]

When I opened my eyes I felt someone grabbing my hand. I was at a hospital. Xavier had been holding my hand. "Xavier" I said. As I mention his name he looked up and was surprised to see me wake. "What happened why am I here?" Instead of answering my question her embraced me into a hug as tears slid down his face.

"Wednesday I thought you would have never woken up!" He said while sniffing. "What do you mean?" I was puzzled. I looked at my left arm and it was clean no scar. "You had been a coma for a month after you passed out at Nevermore" my eyes widened as he explained. Was all that just a dream? God I have really sexual dreams. But one of my questions is on how i could feel everything. Was it a vivid dream or something?

"Would you like anything to eat" he asked me as he wiped the tears from his eyes. I nodded. He reached for his pocket and called Ajax. He told him the news I could hear enids voice as she let out a high pitched squeal. As they hung up I pulled Xavier into a hug. He had been visiting every single day not giving up on me.

Later he had went to go inform one of the nurses that I had woken up. They check my current state and went to another room. Xavier and I waited until the food was here. We chatted away. Ajax opened the door and threw a sack lunch at Xavier hitting him in the face. He looked partially annoyed at Ajax as I chuckled. Enid handed me my lunch and pulled me into a tight hug.

For once in my lifetime I enjoyed the company of them. But I was still well aware that I will end up all alone like goody mentioned in my vision. That 'dream' I had showed me many different types of emotions that I would not like to experience that in real life. Love,sadness, jealously, and dispare made me soft.

I pulled on my hospital gown to see my shoulder and stomach. It was almost completely healed. I would be discharged from this hospital in a few days or so. As Enid and Ajax left I started to talk with Xavier. He took out something from his bag
It was thing. "I'm glad to see you doing well" he tapped. "He had been sad all month waiting for you to wake up" Xavier said as thing pinch him. There was creek at the door as my mother and father walked in. "Wednesday I am so glad you finally woke up" my mother said in her casual voice. "And who might that be dear?" She continued, "your friend or more than friends? Mhm?" She said. " he's my friend" I replied to her. He went from a smile to a frown. He was visibly upset with my answer.

I had experience love in my dream. It made my stomach hurt as if there was something inside making me feel flutters everytime I looked or felt "Xavier's touch". Now I had actually experienced this when I looked at Xavier. It made me feel weird. It wasn't very enjoyable. I didn't feel discomfort or uncomfortable it just wasn't very enjoyable to feel.

I got flustered and nervous. It made my knees feel weak. Was I now actually developing feelings for that boy? As my parents left the room Xavier noticed my face."Are you red because you mom assumed that we were more than friends? We could if you wanted to" he said teasingly with a smirk on his face. I did not do anything to defend myself instead I looked the opposite direction of where Xavier was sitting. "So I was right?" He said. "I'll see you later" he mentioned as he left the room. I was now alone with thing by my side. "You do like him don't you" he signaled. "No I don't like him" I responded coldly.

"Yeah, yeah you face expression wasn't showing that" he replied sarcastically as he tapped. "You really do know how to get on my nerves don't you thing?" I said as I took notice at a black box on the side of my table. It had a tag. It said "Thank you for taking that arrow for me this is a small compensation for that" I opened the box revealing a small black rectangular box which was called a phone. I didn't know how to use it so I waited until Xavier came back. In the meanwhile I took a nap.

I woke up to someone shaking me. It was Xavier holding another gift in a black gift bag. He placed it down on the small table beside my hospital bed. "So do you need help with the iPhone?" I nodded in response. After a while he showed me how to use it. I had seen it in my dream but I didn't know exactly how to use it now. He then handed me the black gift bag. It contained hair accessories, a necklace, and some new clothing that were in my signature colors. "Enid was looking through your wardrobe and told my your clothing size." He stated as I looked at him. "Um Thank you?" I said nervously. I was nearly stuttering my words. "Your Welcome Addams" he said confidently. "I'll leave you to rest" he said. "Wait!" I shouted. "Could you possibly stay with me for the night I want to keep talking with you" I said as I though "how embarrassing" and "I'm making a fool of myself". "Sure if it's fine with you" I started to feel happy. How disgusting a boy really made me feel his way. "Is Wednesday Addams really going soft one me huh?" He said as he sat down. "No I'm not I would just like company" he replied with a sarcastic "sure"

We chatted until 12 before he went to the couch in front of me to lay down and fall asleep.


Yes all that was just a dream of hers when she was still in a coma for month.

I will be working on the next chapter later in the night so it might be released at night or the next day.
Please vote or comment if you have any theories or things I can improve in my writing!
As always have a good day and or night!

The Red Tie •°Waiver°•  [Wednesday  x Xavier]Where stories live. Discover now