Max- who was silently watching the spectacle- did nothing to help his friend and neared his father with a subtle expression.

"Did you hear what he said?" He asked.

"Have you seen him before?" Vincent asked, ignoring his son's question, as if he got a confirmation of the unspoken secret of 'Lillian' his assistant shared with him the day before.

He couldn't believe his ears when he heard the remote possibility of Lillian having a twin. Except, it wasn't a possibility- she had a twin. His other daughter he never knew existed.

He didn't know how he should feel or if he should even feel anything. The revelation was a bizarre one. Something he wasn't expecting.

How could there be another Lillian out there he wasn't aware of, sharing his blood and DNA? Neither he or Laura was aware of, the women who gave birth to them.

Or maybe it was just Lillian who forged her identity. But recalling Lillian's personality when she lived with him, it seemed unlikely.

His assistant couldn't find more information about her but managed to piece the scattered puzzles together and managed to connect her with the King's.

He'd ordered his assistant to make sure the news wouldn't get out and to protect the twin's identity and her family's. He wasn't sure if she was truly his daughter yet, but if she was, she will be protected at all costs and in extension- the family that raised her all her life.

What he couldn't understand was how Lillian got in touch with the King's. It had to be the time after he- she left, during the 8 years.

A background check on Lillian shed light a lot on her childhood too. He scoffed when he looked at the list of the various dead end shops she worked at, distraught.

What made it even worse was she had been working since she was 12..... when she was under his roof... all protected....

The unnamed emotion that tugged at his heart spoke his thoughts out loud for him. He had failed in more than one ways. Hell, he failed her since the day she was born.

She was separated from her twin, then she was..... and she didn't trust him to take care of financially either.

What hurt was, she wasn't even remotely wrong.

In a way his father was a better father than he was. Atleast he wasn't lacking in the monetary aspect. He could indulge himself with the worldly luxuries on a whim without his father batting his eyes.

"Might've bumped into him at the masquerade ball 4 months ago." Max said in a monotone.

"Come to my off- come home tomorrow with your wife and son so your mom won't get annoyed, there's something I want to tell you." Vincent said, correcting himself in the middle. 'His office', the term sounded distant now, cold and businesslike.

But wasn't it too late? To change himself? To identify his errors? To rectify his mistakes?

And if Lillian did indeed have a twin. He knew he fucked up. He hammered the nail too deep a pair of pliers wouldn't help fix his blunders. He needed to start from scratch and that wasn't an option.


Casey clicked her tongue in annoyance.

"What happened?" Riley asked, nervous, fearing her nervous system was on the verge of collapsing.

"Issac." She gritted out. There's was a lot at stake and he thought picking a fight at such a crucial time was the best? "He punched someone." She explained, her eyes shifting to the other screen where Jason was watching the scene with a satisfied look.

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