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I plopped onto the bed beside Hope, looking around her room. It was opposite of mine. Mine was all dark academia and pagan witch, but Hopes was cottagecore. There were houseplants on her desk and the room was splashed with desaturated colors. Not quite the neutral tones I went for. An easel held a canvas that was in progress.

"You just got back?" Hope wondered. I nodded. "I spoke with Aunt Caroline yesterday. She should be home by tonight, in time for dinner."

"That's good." I turned my head to face her, taking in Hope's red eyes and slightly puffy face. "Only a couple months, you know." I remind her, trying to find the words good enough to console a girl who has spent the majority of her life away from her family because of an ancient spirit that haunted her. From an outsider's point of view, our family must seem mega unusual.

Even those in the supernatural community generally had normal upbringings. Vampires were human before being turned, so they had a typical life. Werewolves may be born into a pack or simply not know they are wolves until they trigger it- still they probably attended public schools growing up and had normal human friends. And unless witches were a part of a Grand coven like Clan Hela, they also lived normally amongst people.

Hope and I were the furthest from typical as we could get. Our bloodline was Viking. We were tribrids- and I was born to a vampire mother thanks to a witchy spell. Born from magic, not biology. Our immediate family was a thousand years old, other than our Mums. And an ancient spirit that literally created werewolves has attached itself to my half sister. Which altered the trajectory of both our lives completely.

Even if Hope has gone to school, she's been an outcast and a freak. Even if the students like her now, I knew that some had to have trepidations about her being a tribrid. And I grew up being homeschooled, essentially. It was more like I taught myself, and also had tutors across the world. A strange mixture that wouldn't be accepted in a normal human family.

Hell, I was the person who thought breaking noses was entertaining. I had a sadistic impulse to make people kneel before me like I was some sort of goddess. Not to mention my idea of a good time is a Blood Feast where the humans in the crowd are unlikely to survive the night and more blood is spilled in a few hours than a single vampire feasts on in an entire year. What seventeen year old had more blood on their hands than I did?

Go figure my mother was uncomfortable with it. It's the reason why my father and I tended to keep her in the dark about my involvement in dangerous things. Keeping secrets was instinctive for me, but it's created a rift between myself and Mum. It's why when anything comes to light about my true nature, we would get into an argument. Like when she tried to stop me from helping with Onyx.

"What's going to happen afterwards?" Hope asked. I filled in the rest, after the ritual. I prop my head up on my crooked arm, looking up at the ceiling.

"Well..." I begin, thinking about what came after. Once I began to channel all of Clan Hela's magic through the Ravenson twins, every single member will feel it. That means hundreds if not thousands of witches and warlocks across the world. It wouldn't take long for them to determine who was channeling them, and for what reason. Lorekeepers would figure out what ritual I was doing, because they would have a direct link to me. My name would immediately be put back onto the list- because channeling all of Clan Hela broke probably fifty of their laws. Not even a phony engagement would save me.

Anastasia and Aleksandr would be absolved, because I would inform them to claim ignorance on the entire ritual. If they knowingly aided me in performing this magic, they'd probably end up on the list too. Imagine the kind of retribution their mother would seek if they went down for crimes I committed.

Curse of Ravens // MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now