21 Hard to Betray a Friend

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Come Monday, I fell back into a routine. Hosting a blood feast wasn't hot gossip anymore among students and neither was my suspension. My Mum had completely regained control of the Salvatore School, which meant students were a bit better behaved. I didn't know how her mere presence influenced teenagers.

After the night had fallen, Hope and I made it a routine to shift and take a run through the woods. Then our mornings begun early, with sparring. Hope was a quick study, but she wasn't as fast as I was. In certain positions, she was stronger, overpowering me from above. I tried to show her new stuff; things that I knew from experience or from our father, but if I was being honest- I was an impatient and horrible teacher.

For the rest of the morning, we'd get ready for classes. I would go off to search for Xavier when I had time. He wasn't too difficult to find. He would be wherever the rest of the students were not. In the first few hours of the day, he'd be in my classes, but he was out of class by lunch.

At that point, the remaining of my day was gobbled up by my sisters, Castor and Michael, and Anastasia. Then, come nightfall, I'd repeat the process over again. Aleksandr must've had a blowout with his twin after the last weekend, because he was avoiding both me and her. Anastasia didn't tell me what happened, and she didn't seem bothered by it either. It wasn't until Wednesday that Aleksandr even approached me at all.

It was after classes when he did so, out in the open. I sat on the bleachers, my grimoire on my lap when really I should've been doing homework instead. Michael was zooming with vampire speed across the field, kicking a ball to other students. He, Castor, and a few other wolves and boys were fooling around. I figured they weren't playing a traditional game of footie when I noticed that there were more than two respective teams.

Although my grimoire was open, I hardly paid attention to it, and was more so focused on the game. It was a warm day today, the sun was bright. I wore a hat with a large brim in response, along with a basic Salvatore Boarding School sweater and pants. As Castor did a flip on the field and lands like it was nothing, he seemed to be as surprised as I was. He held his hands up in victory and looked over at me with a huge smile. I gave him a thumbs up.

Michael wasn't the only one enjoying his vampirism.

"Hey." Aleksandr greeted me, messing with his hands when I looked over at him.

"Come on." I make a gesture as an invitation for him to sit. The warlock hesitated and then gives in, walking up the bleachers to where I sat. The metal rattled under his feet, and he sat about a foot away from me.

"What are you working on?" He wonders, indicating to the grimoire. I looked down at the book, and closed it casually.

"Nothing interesting." Just a soul binding ritual to save my sister from an evil ancient spirit that has its hooks in her since the age of eight. "What are you doing here? Slumming it with the wolves and vampires?" I joked.

"Speaking of, where's what's-his-face?"

"Not here." I retort plainly. The warlock snorts to amuse me. "Are you upset that I got engaged to your sister?" I deadpan. The skimming around the topic wasn't really doing it for me. I wanted to address the problem head on, because honestly it was getting uncomfortable and I hated the tension.

"Uhm," Aleksandr brushed his fingers through his hair to give him a moment to think before continuing, "No. If I was in your position, I'd marry the firstborn too." He replies. I shook my head.

"I-" I cut myself off. There was no point in telling him that I didn't agree to marry her because she was first born. Because I would have to offer up an alternative reason. And I doubted She offered me an open marriage and I'm not a monogamous sort would go over well. Neither would Don't take it to heart, Alek, I probably will be a vampire within a year's time and therefore will be forbidden to remain married to anyone from Clan Hela. He was not here to feel worse than he already did. Even if both of those explanations were perfectly reasonable to me, I learned early on that just because something is reasonable to me downs remake it reasonable to everyone else.

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