Called back to Top Gun

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Although it is well into autumn, the wet season of Guam is still running rampant for a couple more weeks and the poorly ventilated base doesn't make the slap-in-the-face heat and humidity any less painful. I sit in the ready room, zoned out while eavesdropping on other pilots and weapon system officers, also known as WSOs. I know I shouldn't drop any eaves and I don't have an excuse other than accidental habit and other people's conversations can be genuinely entertaining and pass the time. The voice of Admiral Moya snaps me back to reality.

"Lieutenant Adams!" Admiral Moya calls into the ready room. Conversations dim to a whisper and heads turn to try and find the Lieutenant that's being called before the Air Boss – the military equivalent of being called to the principal's office. I stand up and follow Admiral Moya down the hall. Moya opens the door to a conference room where Admiral Nao, the Air Boss, stands watching the planes fly outside. "Admiral Nao, Lieutenant Adams" Moya announces.

"Thank you, Admiral Moya" Nao responds. "Lieutenant Adams, callsign 'Wednesday', one of the finer pilots myself or the navy has seen in the past decade. Your work here in Guam has been unprecedented and I wish I could keep you here..." My heart sank to my ass. Oh no. Am I getting sent home? What did I do?!

"Sir?" Please don't tell me-

"You will go back to your locker, pack your things, and be in the air on your way to North Island within the hour" Wait what?

"North Island? Sir?" Nothing's at North Island...nothing except-

"'ve been called back to Top Gun" Top Gun?

"I-...w-" I can't find any word in any language to say, my mind is completely blank.

"Admiral Moya will oversee your leave" I slowly start to nod and look at Admiral Moya standing next to the door. "Dismissed" Still in a state of confusion and shock, I turn and leave the conference room. Admiral Moya quickly closes the door and catches up to my pace.

"Congratulations, Lieutenant"

"Thank you, sir" I manage to stumble out. We walk back to the lockers for me to pack. I open the door to the locker room to find Dizzy packing their things. "You too?" I ask. The sound of my voice makes Dizzy turn and see me standing at the locker room door.


", I'm not going to Texas," I say and look down at Dizzy's half-packed duffle. I walk over to my locker and pull out my only duffle bag and start to pack my things. It's a weird feeling, to be able to pack up your entire life in just one bag. I've done it countless of times, yet, I am still not used to having so little to myself.

"Where are you going?" Dizzy asks as they continue to pack.

"San Diego," I say, unsure if I'm allowed to say I've been called back to Top Gun.

"oOo, heard San Diego's great this time of year. Sunny but not too hot,"

"I have not heard the same about Texas," I joke.

"Yeah, no...but Banjo will be there!" Dizzy says, barely containing their excitement.

"Oh!" Unsure of what else to say. I've always found Banjo as one of the most obnoxious people I've ever met, but she and Dizzy are joined at the hip when they are on the same base so...if it makes Dizzy happy. Dizzy zipping up their bag snaps me out of my thoughts.

"So...that's it then," Dizzy says, unsure of what else to say.

"Yeah...that's it," Dizzy gives an awkward hug with their bag around their shoulders.

"Good luck, Wens, try not to pull a Bison,"

"Ha! No promises," I sarcastically respond. Dizzy releases the hug and steps towards the door "Bye Dizzy,"

Pas de Deux: A Top Gun Maverick StoryWhere stories live. Discover now