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Keren practically bounced off the passenger's seat when he plopped himself behind the wheel, pamphlet in hand. He rubbed the bridge of his nose as his little brother pointed at the map for him.

"I can read directions, Keren," Ethan mumbled after one more map shove into his nose. "Can I start the car first?" His Cobra purred to life with the twist of his prismkey, backing out of their driveway before returning his attention on the road out of their community. He rolled out of the area and thought of the many excuses he could give to Mother as to why they went to the south-end of Roxton. In a perfect world, she'd never have to know.

A drive wasn't against the rules.

Keren flicked through stations with no sense of taste. Ethan shook his head when the massive buildings of Roxton came into closer view, with Chalen's casino shining against the overcast clouds. Whenever an ad blared out of his speakers, Keren grimaced and switched the channel. On the instrumental station, Keren glanced at him with a scowl.


"Why is this in your favourites?"

"What's wrong with not wanting to hear people sing sometimes?"

Keren switched the channel and settled on a repetitive beat for jigs and dances before sitting back in his seat. Relieved for the less distracting noise, Ethan set the directions into his dash. It lit up over the panel and directed him to where Keren's spaceship museum was. Traffic held him up within the twisting roads of Roxton leading into south side, and he tapped his foot when he came to a forced stop outside the border of safety.

Figures cloaked in shadows loitered outside night clubs, handing over packages to the runners. Ethan bit on his tongue and kept moving instead of staring down the group and rolled out of the intersection. His dashboard beeped at the last turn, and he rolled into the small parking lot off to the side of the new museum. Keren went to jump out, but he lunged forward to stop his brother from a rash action.

"Stay here for a minute." Ethan left the car and swept over the lot, into the small alleys between the variety stores. Through the windows, people stood behind the counter and bought their supplies. Across the street of the museum, another bar where two guys flanked a Suit. Ethan tipped his head forward when one sent a glance his way, coming to a stop.

"Can I come out yet?" Keren complained.

Ethan rested his arms on the top of his car but never turned his back until they followed the Suit. Danger gone, he opened Keren's door and hauled him out by his shoulder, but dug his fingers deeper into Keren's shirt when he continued to run away from him.

"What did I say?" he asked.

Keren shuffled on his feet. "... to stay by your side."

Ethan let him go and locked the car, and waited when Keren slipped into his shadow then wrapped his arm around his. He glanced over his shoulder when he tugged Keren along to the spaceship museum, refusing to tug out anything of value or worth to catch the attention of anyone who observed their movements. All the while, Keren bounced along and spouted random facts about ships, but an icy tongue raised the hairs on the back of his neck. He refused to let his guard down when they reached the building, where two holograms of ships floated on pedestals.

"We're not staying too long," Ethan told him when they fell in line behind other patrons.

Keren nodded, but looked up at the holograms with a smile.

He's not even listening. He sighed and kept his grip tight on Keren who poised to spring when he paid for their entry tickets into the ship museum. Ah well... Inside the uncertain safety of the museum, Ethan noted all the security cams in the corners of the room nearest the exhibits. Must have some sort of Central Security Modi. He kept a hand on Keren's shoulder, though let his younger brother take the lead and point out interesting exhibits to examine. He spoke words, but Ethan heard none of them and trained his attention on every corner and crevice, but none of the other patrons paid them any mind.

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