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Five minutes to die.

He double checked the chain charges timers at their frozen activation, for the second confirmation of detonation. I'm going to take back my life, no matter what I have to do. Keren ignored the scout ship he tossed to the floor, the scout ship Ethan helped him build so long ago. Against the chirping of the explosives, he took one last look at his false life, the scout he left behind to be covered by ash and remains. Before hesitation controlled him, he pushed himself back to the open window. He readied his chain blasters for assistance. Detonator in hand, he leaped out of the window. His chains supported his descent onto the dirt.

He ran away. Far away to the edge of the trees while another part of him remained to die. Safely out of reach of the incoming blast, he turned to the distant shapes. There's nothing left for me over there.

Finger over the dial, he twisted the knob, and with held breath, set up the fall. Silence rippled through the warehouse district the Malakai's owned. Keren snapped his hand against the detonation. Once. Twice. Each with a click. As confusion settled over his shoulders, he grunted when a shockwave of a colourful explosion sent him careening backwards. Sound caught up with the sudden heatwave and light. Tree leaves rustled above his head and ash spread out the immediate area.

His hesitation returned when he lifted himself off the ground, biting his tongue at the chewing flames ahead of him. Intent washed down his spine, intent and a distant sense of danger. Below him, his safety net burned, where he held a baby blanket full of fluffy kittens in his hands and wondered where he went wrong. His rage fell apart underneath the pressure of true solar fire when he stared at his desperation. "Kellzoro...?" He darted his gaze from side to side, then clenched his fists. No! This is exactly your problem! You hesitate too much, just... He went to run into the forest, but the electric jolts slammed him to a stop.

He dug in for his anger, but it fell into sand.

Couldn't... couldn't he leave a part of him to die. Hasn't he already? Couldn't he do it once more, for me? With me? Keren gasped through the taste of smoke, then turned on his heel as the flames danced over the refinery. His stomach boiled, and he scowled. Fuck! He left the last edge to freedom behind to rush back into the fire and flames, to drag Ethan kicking and screaming if he had to to their happy life. To leave it all behind and take upon new lives, leaving them all to think of their demise. "Ethan!" he screamed out, though the flames drowned out his call for his safety net of an older brother.

He flinched when the light turned monochrome, raising his arms up to his brow when the debris fell into the refinery. Thrown back from the next, far more violent explosion, a reminder of his choked chains, his back screeched as he rolled over to avoid the wave of soot. He scrambled to his feet to find cover in the forest, stumbling back onto his hindquarters when he tried to turn around and view his own death. In one quick instant, his existence disappeared.

He wanted relief to fill his heart, but like a stupid child, he found himself crying instead.

Freedom in his hands, he found himself unable to move. Unable to take the first step without someone to nudge him from behind. Released from his torment, he abandoned his older brother to the monsters. No! He betrayed me! I just need to run now! I couldn't help him! I couldn't make him happy! Keren stumbled to his knees with a shuddered sob. I am eighteen, fuck, I don't need him anymore. I can walk on my own two damn legs.

The warehouse collapsed with a part of him still within.

I can't go back. I had my chance...

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