"Because he's controlling the scenario," Irene said, brows furrowing as she studied the back of the photo. "Leaving evidence on a body, well, that's just sloppy. But giving his adversary some kind of clue or challenge..." Flipping the photo around, Irene said, "What does that look like to you?"

Jennie zeroed in on a thick, dark smudge on the lower corner of the paper. "I have no idea. Dirt."

Irene unzipped a bag that sat on the corner of her desk, taking out a shallow plastic dish and a metal instrument. "We should analyze it just in case."

"You really think this is a puzzle of some kind?"

"Well, I have to." Irene scraped a sample of the smudge onto a tiny blade and deposited it in the dish. Then she screwed on a clear plastic lid and set the evidence aside. "Better than the alternative, which is that all this will get us nowhere except feeling guilty when we find this girl dead."

"I already feel guilty," Jennie said softly.

"Don't. He's involved you in his crimes, but you're not the reason he's killing. The psycho obviously gets off on the act of murder." Irene  took out her fingerprint kit and diligently began dusting the envelope, though Jennie suspected she knew it was a long shot that the guy would leave a usable print. "Whether or not he fixated on you, he'd be hurting people." Glancing up, she met Jennie's eyes. "Trust me on that."

"I'm sure you're right." Of course she was. This man wouldn't be sitting at home watching football or playing with his kids instead of murdering women. But knowing he had apparently been killing with her in mind from the start was too much to take. "Doesn't make me feel any better."

"I know." Scowling, Irene examined the envelope. "Nothing."

"You didn't expect him to be that sloppy, did you?"

"Maybe I was hoping he wanted to get caught." Irene managed a tight smile. "He must, to mess with you."

Not knowing how to respond, Jennie murmured, "Dust the photo. I'll cross my fingers."

Irene dusted in silence and Jennie watched, grateful for the momentary lull in conversation. Her mind kept slipping away to thoughts of what Lisa might be doing. Was she home alone? Or with another woman?

Jennie's stomach turned at the thought of Lisa with someone else.

"I really thought this thing with Lisa was for real." Jennie hadn't meant to say anything out loud, especially not to Irene, but she couldn't keep this to herself anymore. She was angry and confused, not just at Lisa, but also at Irene, all over again. Though she thought she'd forgiven Irene for her betrayal, this thing with Lisa dredged up all her old resentments. Because she lacked the strength to confront Lisa, Irene made an ideal target for her rage. "I thought this time I'd found someone who wouldn't lie to me. Who understood that the one thing I want from a relationship is honesty."

Irene blinked, taking a deep breath then exhaling. In a low voice, she said, "You only knew her a month. That's not enough time to get a real read on someone."

"It didn't feel like only a month," Jennie said quietly. She couldn't explain to Irene how she had felt connected to Lisa from almost the first moment they met. How Lisa had made her feel stronger, more beautiful, more confident and centered than she ever had. All that sounded illogical, silly, two things Jennie prided herself on not being. "You know me, Irene. I don't trust easily. I'm not the type to fall for someone so quickly."

"I know you aren't." With a disgusted sigh, Irene packed up her fingerprint kit, having come up with nothing. "I was surprised you had."

"It just felt right." Jennie bit her lip hard, looking away from Irene as she struggled to bring her emotion under control. "I'm an idiot."

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