Chapter 4

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Later that night, Wednesday had taken Blair and Thing to the library in search of the people book with a unique design. "I keep seeing that same purple book." Wednesday said as they look through the books, Thing pulls out one book but Wednesday shook her head. "The cover was darker. More like a day-old contusion. Keep looking." Thing does a thumbs up before coming to the higher shelves. Blair heard footsteps come down the stairs, she looks up to see Miss Thornhill.

"I don't usually find students in here looking for actual books." Miss Thornhill chuckled. "Most sneak in to make out."

"I accidentally walked in on two vampires fanging. I can't unsee that." Blair said.

"Is there something I can help you find?" Thornhill asked.

"Have you seen this before? It's a watermark from a book I'm looking for." Wednesday asked as she showed Miss Thornhill the watermark.

"I think it's the symbol to an old student society. Um... The Nightshades."

"Like the deadly flower. Colour me intrigued."

"I was told they disbanded years ago.

"Any idea why?" Blair asked.

"Sorry." Miss think shook her head. "I was very impressed with your answers in class today." She praised the twins.

"Our mother is a carnivorous plant aficionado. I assume we get our red thumb from her." Blair explained.

"Are you and your mother close?" Thornhill asked.

"Like two inmates sentenced to life on the same cell block." Wednesday said, with no signs of joking.

"I know it can't be easy... showing up mid- semester." Thornhill said. "I've been here a year and a half, and I still feel like an outsider."

"Because you're the only normie on the staff?" Blair asked, seeing the look on Thornhill's face, Blair added: "Enid told me."

"To tell you the truth, I've never really fit in anywhere. Too odd for the normies, not odd enough for the outcasts. I thought Nevermore would be different, but there's still a handful of teachers who will barely acknowledge me."

"I act as if I don't care if people dislike me. Deep down..." Wednesday paused. "I secretly enjoy it."

"Never lose that, Wednesday."

"Lose what?"

Thornhill sighed. "The ability to not let others define you. It's a gift."

"Doesn't always feel that way."

"The most interesting plants grow in the shade. And if you ever need anyone to talk to, the door to the conservatory is always open." Thornhill said, before leaving the girls to their search.

"Well... that was interesting?" Blair said.

"The book isn't here. There's only one place I can think of it's location." Wednesday said.


"Rowan and Xavier's dorm. Well have to search it."

"Actually..." Blair paused, Wednesday turned to look at her sister. "I think it should be one of us. If it's both of us, we increase our chances to be caught. I'll search his room."


Blair and Thing hid in the cupboard with they heard footsteps. It was Xavier. He had returned from what he was doing, he grabbed a total and went into the bathroom. "That purple book has got to be around here somewhere. Start investigating." Blair whispered to Thing, they both started searching. Blair starts at Xavier's desk, she saw his notebook and loved through his drawings; Bird, Werewolf. But one drawing made her stop. It was of her. It was... beautiful.

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