Panda-Manda, Frizzle-Dizzle, and Kankuro

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In case you couldn't tell from the title, Tamari and Gaara are some of my favorite characters. Deidara is too, funnily enough.


"Listen to me very carefully; We're out of time. No one can know of your abilities; They are too powerful for someone to not try and abuse them. Be careful, the others likely have something -or someone- up their metaphorical sleeves. And be safe, those around you will try to win your heart. Be sure they don't break it."

"Now go, being deprived of oxygen to your brain for this long could have serious consequences."

"Eh, I'll be fine. I'm pretty sure it was on my parents' daily calendar to drop me on my head as a kid."

"You are infuriating."

"It's my specialty." You say with a bow as you slowly fade from the room.

..Inky black to searing white-


Sitting up, you nearly crash heads with the many people surrounding you. Kakashi.. Zabuza.. Naruto.. Sasuke.. Haku.. Sakura.. Hell, even Tazuna.

They were all there.

And they were all crying.

"Jeez. Who died?"


Needless to say, you nearly suffocated.

Every single person present piled on top of you, squeezing the air from your lungs in what can only be described as a bone-crushing shower of affection and relief.

"Guys- Gals- Non-Binary pals- I can't hehhhh breathe-"

"Oh, sorry!"


"I apologize-"



"Sa-Sakura-Chan 😭😭!"

A chorus of voices are heard as they all clamber off of you.

"Seriously everyone, calm down. I'm alive. See?" You say, gesturing to yourself.

"HOW ARE YOU ALIVE!!??" Naruto shouts, shattering your eardrums.

"Boy, do I look like Rin to you? The Uchi-ho clan? My self-esteem? No!"

Multiple people looked like they were about to cry.

^^^Mini Time-skip brought to you by insensitive Rin jokes^^^

After your confirmation, Zabuza and Kakashi once again leap to opposite ends of the field, ready to enter an all-out war with each other.

You, on the other hand, calmly and briskly walk between them before stopping.

You look to Zabuza like a disappointed parent before turning to Kakashi.

"Round 3?" You ask, the hint of a challenge present in your voice.

Sakura looks up, confused. "Uh.. Y/n? Kakashi only hit you once. I think you mean 'Round 2'."

You did not.

"I did not."

Your wise words of wisdom are successful in stopping the two children adults from causing further harm to one another, as they stare at you in disbelief.

"Look." You say, about to do your own 'let's-not-kill-each-other' speech. "You two don't like each other, I get it. You both want to proudly parade around the other's head on a stick- Who doesn't? You may want to brutally kill the person standing opposite of you and cook their entrails over an open fire- Fair enough! But that doesn't mean you can't be friends. Like the great Lord Shaggy once said, 'One must first find the remote if thee would like to change the channel.'. Do you know what that means? You must each look within yourselves and find the kindness to impart upon each other your apologies. You must change yourself before you can change each other! The world! You must- Ah, fuck it. Get along or I'm going to break your Nico Nico Kneecaps. I'm not built for this philosophical stuff, ask my therapist."

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