Rinin' On Everybody's Parade

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A/n: Sorry this is short, I got inspiration and put pen to paper. Literally sat my a*s down and wrote.


Naruto turns his head and glares at Haku with his ominous, animalistic eyes. Zabuza and Kakashi look up in alarm, sensing something seriously wrong in the air.

Kakashi's pupils dilate in fear, knowing what's happening right now.

Zabuza looks around, unaware of his impending doom.


Naruto, on the other hand, is about to tear Haku limb from limb.


Mans had better have yelled 'UMAI' after his last meal, cause his last it is.


Wind whips through every opening within Haku's dome, providing the only source of sound as Haku stares at Naruto calculatedly, trying in vain to find some way - any way- to beat the intimidating Jinchūriki now standing in front of him.

However, in the deepest parts of himself, a voice speaks;

The blood lust in his eyes. This is no longer a child!

Haku knew this, of course. He was an orphan plucked off of the streets, but he wasn't stupid.

He couldn't get out of this fight alive even if he wanted to.

Naruto roars in fury with a single goal in mind. Rushing toward Haku, he seemingly was possessed, blinded by fury and the need to annihilate the person who killed and injured his friends.

Haku throws his needles toward Naruto in a futile attempt to stop him, but they are about as effective as logic is to parents. With a pissed-off roar, Naruto uses his Chakra to easily block the attack.

Wincing from the heat, Haku disappears from sight before the blonde is able to reach him. This results in the Ninja skidding to a stop and searching the immediate area surrounding them for his target.

Haku knows that what he just did merely bought him time, but it was what he did with that time that counted. In a battle, a few milliseconds can mean life or death.

A few milliseconds can lead to the end of Zabuza's dream.

Haku surveys his options, before realizing that time was not on his side as he had hoped.

His Chakra grows stronger every second. He observes. I must strike now!

Without hesitation, Haku acts. More and more of his reflections appear in every mirror until every one is filled. Then, simultaneously, they attack. This time, they manage to scratch Naruto's body, but this victory is short-lived as the Senbon are repelled from his body with seemingly minimal effort.

Haku shields his masked face from the needles, giving Naruto the opening he needed to strike. Quick as a flash, he leaps towards the mirror and punches it in a bare-fisted display of badassery that causes the ice to shatter into hundreds of pieces, littering the blast zone with the shards.

It is from one of these pieces that Haku emerges, attempting to strike Naruto from above. However, the yellow-haired boy turns his head just in time to avoid his attack, spinning midair and landing in a low crouch on the dirt.

Haku isn't so lucky.

He lands harshly on the ground like a bird shot from the sky as rocks and debris are scattered around from the sheer force of his impact.


No, simply not probable.

Getting up, Haku tries to dive back into his mirrors, but Naruto grabs his arm. With a dangerous growl, he swings him and raises a fist, ready to beat him into a Smoothie.

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