It's-a me, Lore-io

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~In which she protecc, she attacc, but most importantly; She fights bacc~

A/N: Hey, everyone! I just wanted to give a quick shoutout to SeraphicStorm for being such a huge motivation to me. They're an amazing person, and I just wanted to say thank you to them! 

Oh, and I'm sorry if this chapter has less humor than usual.. Our main comic relief has some.. issues this chapter. 

And finally, fair warning- this chapter gets.. Screwy.


Kakashi, breaking up your banter, performs a Jutsu that propels the mist away from you all. As you looked around your now-visible surroundings, you see Sasuke standing frozen with a kunai in his hands.

"Oh HELL NO!" You quickly run up to him, carefully taking the kunai from his hands.

"Hey!" You say, slapping him. "Cut it out! We already have one suicidal person on this team, and we don't need another! Sasuke Uchiha, remember what you fight for."

Sasuke's eyes widen for a moment as he gives you a rare, soft smile. Gently grabbing your wrists (To stop you from continuing to shake him like a magic eight ball), he looks at you with newfound determination.

Kakashi, being the hurricane-on-your-parade he is, decides he ALSO wants to be inspirational. "Sasuke, I'll protect you with my life. All of you. I will not allow my comrades to die. Trust me."

Yeah, cause' you did such a great job with Rin.

"I wouldn't be so sure." With that declaration, Zabuza your beloved suddenly appears in front of Tazuna. "It's over."


However, before your Beloved's sword can make contact with Tazuna, Kakashi appears like a wild pokemon and stabs him with a kunai. Blood flows freely from the wound as.. Wait- Water?

Oh, right. Water clone. 

"Sensei, behind you!" Naruto calls out, pointing to the spot where another Zabuza now stood.

Zabuza 2.0 swings his weapon in a quick and precise manner, slicing Kakashi in half. However, this Kakashi was a water clone to. 

Quick as lighting, Kakashi 2.0 holds a sharp kunai to Zabuza 2.0's neck. "Don't move, it's over. You're finished"

"Alright!" Yells Naruto, happy about their victory.

Sakura giggles in relief as Sasuke remains on guard next to you. 

Zabuza 2.0 lets out a low chuckle that makes your spidey senses tingle, and your brain practically scream at you to run. "Finished? You really don't get it, do you? Your technique is nothing but a crass intimidation. I'll never be defeated by a mere copycat Ninja like you."

Kakashi groans, not wanting deal with this guy.

This sets Zabuza 2.0 off even more. "You are full of surprises, though. You'd already copied my Water Clone Jutsu when you made your little speech. Very skillfully executed. You made your clone say those words to draw my attention whilst you hid in the mist, waiting for me to make my move. Nice try, but I'm not that easy to fool." 

Zabuza 3.0 sneaks up behind Kakashi as Zabuza 2.0 returns to its liquid state. Frick, this is confusing-

"Hey, that one's a clone too!" Naruto shouts in shock. Yeah, no shit Sherlock. What did you think it was, a bald eagle?

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