Chaoter 15: true intentions reviled.

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*beep* *beep* *beep* when the machine behind Sarah. Her eyes slowly began to open. The light in the room blinded her as her eyes adjusted. Her head spun and she tried to wake up. Everything was foggy in her head, what had happened?

As her eyes adjusted the room became clear. She was lying down in a hospital bed in what seemed to be a recovery room. Similar to the one Jack, Jess and Tess where in but very scaled down.

She sat up and the blanket fell onto her lap. She looked down to see some wipers sticking out of her jumpsuit that connected to the monitor. She tried to move her hands but they were connected to the bed somehow. She tried to shake the blanket off of her but it was a difficult challenge. She almost had it off when she heard footsteps in the hall. She watched as the door opened revealing yzma.

"Good, you're awake" She said, looking tired as ever.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Sarah asked sleepily.

Yzma's eyes blinked a few times "you don't know who I am?"

Sarah shook her head "Also where am I, why am I tied to a bed?" She began pulling her wrist trying to wiggle them loose.

Yzma walked over to the machine she was hooked up to, everything looked normal. She then walked around to the back of her "just hold still for a moment."

Yzma turned Sarah's head so her face was away from her. She then began rummaging with her gloved hand through Sarah's scalp. She then found the very same scab as on Jack, Jess, and Tess only this time it was much larger and was a bit swollen.

Perplexed by the new side effect, yzma made her way to the door. "I'll be right back, just hold tight." She said before leaving once again.

Once Sarah knew she was gone, a smile creeped across her face. "Works every time. I hope" She smiled as she had tricked yzma. Now she needed to get out of these straps, and fast.

She reached out with the force and managed to undo the straps around her wrist and ankles. She then looked around the room for a means of escape other than the door. The only other option was a vent shaft above her. It looked just big enough for a person her size. So, using the force she managed to undo the screws and cast the great before it crashed onto the floor. Gently she lowered it onto the ground.

She then stood onto the bed, wobbling a bit as she tried to catch her balance. If she jumped at the right moment she would make it. So she ripped the cords from her chest and jumped as the machine beeped like crazy. She managed to grab onto the ceiling and pull herself into the shaft befor two troopers rushed in. She laid herself against the floor, hopefully out of sight and listened for a moment.

"Wait where is she?" Asked one.

"She just dispersed." Said the other.

"Up there!" The first one said fixing his balster to the open vent.

"And that's my cue to leave." Sarah whispered as she quickly began to crawl away from the room. Sure enough the was just big enough to get on her hands and knees to crawl. Soon she came to a cross road, not sure what way to go she picked randomly.

'If something doesn't go right, go left.' Her mind said and she went left. Once she was far away she stopped and thought for a minute. She didn't really know where she was going or what she was gonna do. Not to mention the whole ship would be on high alert by now. She had two options, go in blind, or try and find her way to a room she was familiar with. There weren't many places she had been on the ship, but one she figured she could find was the orientation-like room. So with little option, she tried to find her way there.

After many twists and turns she felt a familiar pull, hopefully she was getting close to her friends. She hurried towards the pull, but quietly so she would not make noise. Eventually she found a great one and looked though, it was the same ordination room from the day prior, just empty.

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