Chapter 10: punishments

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Gothle was currently sitting in her office enjoying a rather late breakfast. It consisted of scrambled eggs, pancakes, bacon, and some coffee. She was about halfway through her meal, when a light nock hit her door.
She looked up "come in."

The door opened with a creek, and in walked Dr Faciliar. Gothel had a bit of a surprised look on her face. As far as she knew, she wasn't expecting any company.

"Ah Faciliar, what can I do for you?" She said in her motherly tone.

He slowly approached her desk, placing three cards on it. "Don't suppose you know these three?" He asked.
The cards each had a face, two girls and a boy. Each labeled with a name. The two girls looked identical with the names Jessica and Tessa, and the boy, jack.

Gothel rolled her eyes upon seeing the trio. "Those three cause big problems last night, as she" she pointed to Tessa's card "caused me to send a squadron on a wild goose chase around that silly school." She then looked at familier as if to ask, why?

Faciliar cleared his thought and spoke in his sing-song tone "I went to pay our guest a visit this morning, to give her a wake up call. But for the most part, all she could think about were these three." His smiling face as he looked down at the cards "keep an eye on them, something tells me their each hiding something." He took the cards from the table, stuffing them back into his coat pocket.

Gothle let out a wicked smile "took the word right out of my mouth. I'll go ahead and let their heads know. If they are hideing something, then will brake them soon or later." They both began to brake out into villainous laughter
Jack, Jess, and Tess sat in their cell, being reprimanded by their so-called "leaders". Each of the kids looked down at the floor, not bothering to face their captors.

"Did you two hear anything from yesterday's briefing?" Raticilffe asked.

"You three should be grateful you're only going on 24 hour surveillance. Things could have been a lot worse." Cruella stated.

"And what's that supposed to mean, you're keeping us locked up for another 10-20 hours?" Jack asked

"I'll tell you what that means boy," Lady Tremain spoke "1 no contact with your fellow peers. 2 no going anywhere without supervision, and if that were the case you would be brought right back here. 3 If any other incidents happen today, we'll, let's just say you'll wish you would have cooperated."

"As for today, we have assigned each of you your own labor for the day." Cruella said as she turned to Tess. "You Tess will be working next to me patching up clothes."

"As for you jack." Ratcliff turned toward Jack "we got a good gold rush from yesterday's workload that could use a good cleaning."

"And you Jess, several of the pots and pans from yesterday's meal rush are in need of a desperate cleaning."

The three kids rolled their eyes, this wasn't going to be a fun day. None of them wanted this, but what other choice did they have.

The cell door then opened, everyone in the room turned to see Gothel standing in the doorway.

"Gothel darling, can't you see where bissy reprimanding these brats." Cruella complained.

"I know, I know, but Facilier Dropped by with some news I thought I should share before you head out."
"What did he say?" Tess asked.

"Nothing that concerns you 3." Gothel then gestured to the hall. "Best we discuss this topic without them."
The three villains in the cell shared a glance before leaving. First was Lady Tremain, followed by Cruella, then Ratcliff. The cell door closed shortly after.

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