Chapter 6: what dose M, C, and S mean?

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It didn't take them long to get to their destination. Just around the hall, down a level, and through a few other hallways. Sarah struggled all the way, trying to break free of Maleficent's grasp. But her grip was like glue, not willing to budge.
Maleficent opened the door leading to the room full of Sarah's classmates. Everyone had turned to look at them. Sarah was in shock at the sight. Her eyes darted around the room, from her classmates, to the three figures who stood on the elevated platform.

Maleficent bent down a bit and wispered in her ear "you know, I think your friends are gonna be of great use to us." She smiled as she backed away.

"What do you all have planned?" Sarah whispered harshly as the commander regathered everyone's attenchun. She watched as he continued with the presentation. Eventually the commander finished, letting everyone go to their stations.

Sarah wondered what this could all mean, trying to piece things together. But her thoughts were interrupted when Maleficent began pulling her forwards. Sarah keeped her head hung low, trying to not make eye contact with anyone. They only made it a fue feet forward before stopping again.

"Ah maleficent, looking magnificent as always." Greyfild responded in a rather graceful manner.

"Oh commander, you don't have to be nice around me." Maleficent responded with a gentle smile.

"And let me guess, this is the famous girl we have been looking for, for quite some time?" He asked, looking down at Sarah. Sarah remained quiet, keeping her head low.

Maleficent merely smiled "yes commander, may I introduction Sarah. The one who made this whole operation possible." Sarah could tell everyone was looking at her now. Still she didn't move, she just hoped everyone would leave her be. But nope, greyfield still had a few more, things in store.

"Shy aren't we." He grabbed Sarah's face with his gloved hand, lifting it up just so their eyes met. "Well aren't you something?" His expression was one of curiosity as he tilted her head side to side.

Sarah didn't appreciate his gesture one bit. So thinking on instinct, she opened her mouth and bit down on Greyfield's hand. He let out a small yelp as Sarah let go. "Don't you dare touch me!" She shouted angrily. Not appreciating the gesture, the commander slapped her across the face. Sarah hung her head low again, bringing her hands up to her left check.

"I apologize for that commander. Someone's been having a few, adjustment issues." Maleficent said, tightening her grip on Sarah.

"Oh please, I'm sure she's not the only troublesome kid I'll be dealing with, or any of us for that matter." The commander said, rubbing his hand. They all had a good laugh at his comment. Sarah on the other hand did not enjoy any of this. She was perfectly fine with the life she had, and they just had to show up and ruin everything.

"So where may you two be off to? Anything I may be able to assist with?" Greyfild asked.

"You're too kind, but no. I'm just taking her for a fitting and-" Maleficent was cut off by an alarm blaring out saying "access denied" over and over again.  The commander scrunched up his face "every single time." He groaned before turning towards the sound and marching off.

"Will let you get where you need to be, nice meeting you sweetie" mother Gothel said as she and the queen or hearts walked off.

Maleficent pulled Sarah in the direction of the door labeled s. Instead of getting her thumb scanned like everyone else, Maleficent punched in a code. The door opened, and the two entered.

Inside where several sewing machines work like stations scattered around the room, about 50 stations were set up. There weren't that many kids in the room, maybe 45 at most. Two kids sat at each table making it feel even smaller. In the back stood a woman in a fur coat with back and white hair. She was currently starring at a built on board that had different fashion designs pinned to it.

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