Chapter 12: Head scars.

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Jack, Jess, and Tess sat together in their cell. No one was sure what maleficent meant by test subjects, but they did know that it couldn't be anything good.

"Where gonna die aren't we? they're gonna experiment on us, and we're gonna die!" Jess screamed as she clung to her sister.

"We're not gonna die!" Jack screamed at the top of his lungs. He was getting sick of Jess complaining.

Tess calmly rubbed her sisters back "it's alright sis, nobody's gonna hurt us. I'll make sure of it."

"I hope you're right," Jess said.

After a few more minutes of waiting the cell door finally opened. In walked yzma, still in her lab coat uniform. In her gloved hands was a tablet. The trio weren't surprised by her entrance, but were more or less scared of what was to come. Each trying to look brave as she looked up from her tablet.

"So, you three are the treblemakers I've heard so much about." She said, looking each of them up and down.

"Tess, Jack, nice to see you two again." She then looked at the frightened Jess "and you must be Jess."

"W..what are you going to do with us?" Jess asked, shaking.

"My dear Jess, you have nothing to worry about." she said returning to her tablet "in fact, why don't we start with you. I'm sure it will calm those nerves of yours right down."

Jess and Tess clung to each other "you're not taking my sister, not without me!" Tess shouted.

Yzma looked up and then gave them a cold smile "I admire your bravery, but unfortunately you don't have a choice. Now, we can either do this the easy way or the hard way."

Jess thought about it for a moment but Tess got up and stood in front of her. "You want my sister, you're gonna have to get through me."

"And me." Jack added, coming to Tess' side.

"Alright, your choice." She snapped her finger and three troopers paired in the doorway. Jack and Tess did their best to fight them off. But before they knew it, they were all pulled away from each other, Jess being pulled towards the door.

"No, don't take me from them, please!" Jess screamed as the trooper struggled to get her out into the hallways.

The two struggled in the troopers arms but they wouldn't budge. Teeny watched as Jess left with the trooper and yzma.
Out in the hall, the trooper had pulled Jess aside. Tears were streaming down her face, she was scared. She watched as yzma stood in front of her.

"I would suggest you stop squirming." She said as she reached for something in her lab coat.

"Let me go, you freak!" She screamed, trying to be brave.

Yzma's eyes lit up, a bit surprised but she also looked like she was used to it. "Maybe a little nap will calm yourself," she said, pulling out a syringe full of some yellow liquid.

Jess' eyes lit up at the sight of the syringe. "No! Please, I'll listen!" She pleaded, not wanting to be jabbed again.

"Hold her still" yzma instructed the trooper.

As much as Jess struggled, the trooper did manage to keep her left arm still just long enough for yzma to jab the needle in. Jess could feel the liquid flow from her shoulder and into her body. Her head began to feel dizzy, colors blurring together, until the world faded from view.

3 hours later Jess woke up to a loud beeping noise. Her head pounded as her eyes slowly opened. It took a moment for her to adjust to the light. She couldn't remember where she was, or how she got here.

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