Chapter 5: wellcome to the first day of your new life!

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Outside of where the school once sat, several parents and other towns people stood behind police tape. A man reported yesterday afternoon that he had seen the school take off into the night sky. Ofcouse no one believed him at first, but after 911 receiving several phone calls from worried parents that their children never returned home, the police sent someone to check it out. Instead of finding a school, they found a scorched up dirt pit where it once sat.

Now parents waited patiently behind police tape, waiting to hear something. Local news crews come down to film the incident. Of Course the man everyone thought was crazy, now was the main focus. They also intervened parents who showed pictures and phone numbers if anyone was able to find there children.

But our main focus is the two mothers standing at the very front of the police tape. One was named Sally Freeman, her missing son Jack freeman. She was warring jeans and a plain purple top. She had two other kids with her.

One being a 3 year old daughter Rose freeman. Her outfit was a princess inspired nightgown. Sally cradled her daughter in her arms, who was sleeping so soundly.

The other was her other son Zack freeman. He was seven and attended the local elementary school. Although, after what happened, the local schools and may local businesses closed for the day. So Zack was with his mother, digging around in the dirt, getting his sully onesie all dirty.

The woman beside her was Molly Sunflower, missing children Jessica and Tessa sunflower. She had on a yellow polka dot dress with a brown purse hanging over her shoulder.

The two stood, staring at two men who were talking to each other. One was in a police officer uniform, the other in a business suit. The two had been talking for a while, till the one in the suit walked over to where the two women were standing.

"Well George, did you find anything?" His wife Sally asked.

"Inconclusive, no one knows what happend." He glanced in the direction of the man who was being intervened "except him, but a school doesn't just disappear like a rocket."

"Then how do you explain that?" Molly said, gesturing to the scorched holed in the ground.

Gorge just scratched his head and shrugged. "The police are gonna take some photos and send some dirt to a lab. They're also gonna call some reinforcements in but that's all I'm allowed to say for the time being."

As soon as he finished, the man he was originally talking to came over. "Any news Robert?" His wife, Molly, asked.

Robert shook his head "there's no logical way to explain any of this." The four shared looks of concern and confusion.

Zack looked up from where he sat wondering what the commotion was about. "Daddy!" He shouted seeing his father. He stood placing his small hands on the police tape.

"Hay sport!" Gorge said and he ran his hand through Zack's black hair. He was a complete mini me of his father. A Medium deep skin tone, green eyes, black hair just like his brother.

Zack smiled looking up at his father "where's jack?"

Both freemen bit their lips looking at each other. "Your brothers still out, but I'm sure hill be back soon." Sally said putting on a brave face for her son.

"Why did jack leave?" Zack questioned.

"Will talk about this later, ok?" Zack nodded to his mother.

"Maybe it's best you and the kids head home, I don't think we're getting further than this today." Robert said.

Molly put an arm around her friend's shoulder. "I'll help you with the kids if you want?"

Sally looked over at Molly "are you sure, What about the restaurant?"

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