Chapter 14: operation mind invasion

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Sarah woke up later that same evening to a cold breeze on her shoulders. Her eyes opened to face the wall as she layed on her side. She could hear voices behind her, but it was a blur as to what they were saying. A slight touch on her arm made her flinch.

"Relax Sarah, go back to sleep." She heard a man behind her say.

"What are you doing?" Sarah mumbled out as she tried to turn onto her back, but something was keeping her on her side.

"Just hold still." He whispered as he touched an aria on Sarah's forearm that made her flinch in pain. She managed to elbow him which caused him to let go. She grabbed onto the spot and flipped onto her back and looked up to see a man leaning over her. Sting in a chair next to her was the mad doctor.

"Mad?" She questioned with a confused look.

"Nice job keeping her asleep." A voice came by the table. Sarah looked over to see yzma, looking at the tablet.

"Says the one who's just sitting around." Mad complained, turning to face yzma.

"What's going on, what happened?" She asked, sitting up and swinging her legs to the side of the bed.

"You don't remember?" yzma asked.

"Well, I remember Vader coming in. But that's it."

Yzma looked back down "must be a side effect of the mind probe." She mumbled before looking back up at mad "how's her arm?"

She removed her hand from her forearm and noticed a small cut. "How did that get there?"

"We think it cut yourself during the interigation. It's not that serious though." Mad said as he tried to reach for her arm but she pulled it away.

"Stay back!" She shouted.

"Sarah I just want to look at it, no tools I promise."

Sarah looked between her forearm and him. It was in a bit of pain and bleeding, maybe he could help. So she let go and held it out.

"Good girl" he said as he grabbed a small piece of cloth and wiped it before bandaging it up "see that wasn't so bad."
'Yesh I'm not 3' Sarah said in her head as she pulled her arm back.

"Now is anything else bothering you?"

Sarah shook her head.

"Pain on a scale from 1-10, 10 begging the worst?"

"3, mostly for my arm but also because I'm super tired, what time is it anyways?"

"About 10 pm." Yzma said as she typed Sarah's words down

"but- I thought- did he-" Sarah muttered under her breath as she blinked, trying to comprehend the distraction. Had the mind probe really messed her brain up that much? "He was just here, how is it that late?" She allied her head in her hands, as her elbows rested on her lap.

"Relaxe sarah, this is all completely normal," mad said as he grabbed something from the table behind him. "All completely normal." He repeated before he poked her with something. Sarah's head sprung up as her face contorted with pain. She jerked her away to see mad as poked it with a syringe.

"What did you do?!" she screamed as she could feel it going though her body.

"There, there, it's nothing to worry about." Mad said as he grabbed Sarah's shoulders and turned her so her back was facing the pillow. She was now beginning to feel sleepy. "You just lay down and go back to sleep. You'll wake up in about an hour."

"An hour?" Sarah mumbled as her eyes grew heavy. Her back gave way as she landed on one of Mad's arms. His other one lifted her legs as he picked her up bridal style. She could barely tell what was happening before she blanked out once again.

About an hour later, sarah woke up in what seemed to be an operating room. Her vision was a tad blurry as her brain tried to piece things together. Looking to her left she could make out a long counter. She could make out two figures talking with one another. To her right she could see a computer on a stand with a blank wall. Infront she would see a singular door just wide enough for a bed.

Sarah tried to sit up but she found it difficult to do. Her body was trapped down, chest to ankles. Not to mention much of her energy was drained for some reason. That's when she noticed the IV bag hanging from a pole. Her eyes followed the IV as it entered the blanket. She moved every inch of her body the best she could, trying to see where it led, but it was no use. She was too weak to do anything.

"Looks like our patient is awake." Yzma said as they both stopped mid conversation.

Sarah watched as they came over. "What's going on?!" Sarah asked with a tired yet anxious and angered tone.
Yzma took control of the computer and Mad stood on the other side with a mirror in his hands.

"Would you like to take a guess?" Mad asked.

"Is this another interrogation treatment?" Sarah questions a bit nervously. She wasn't in the mood for any more pain.

"Close but no cigar." He said as he angled the mirror just enough to show what was behind her head. It was huge machine looking thing. It had a huge round pieace pained red with a clear tip that narrowed out. There was a small opening at the tip. This was the very same machine used in the muppets from space movie.

"What's that?" Sarh asked with caution.

"That is a lovely invention by dr van nuteor. He was kind enough to let us borrow his blueprints to recreate his machine. Only this time Instead of taking the brain out it, it simply extracts memories and copies them before placing them back inside the subject." Yzma explained.

"You're going to what?!" Sarah practically shouted.

"We're running out of options Sarah." Mad said putting the mirror down before leaning over her face "will give you one last chance to explain where that key is."

Sarah's face tended up, she wished she could say where the key was now. Oh why had she given it away. She wanted to say which of her friends she gave it to, she want to say she gave it away in a broom clause but knew she couldn't. She couldn't put her friend in more danger. "I.. I.. I can't" she stuttered out.

"Very well, but this is your choice" he said as he walked back over to the counter to grab something.

Yzma could see the fear in Sarah's eyes so she placed a comforting hand on Sarah's hair, rubbing it back and forth. "Not to worry, this was tested on your dear friends. Each survived so we shouldn't have any problems."

'Tested on my friend' her brain screamed as her eyes lit up. First she was trapped in a room full of medical equipment, her second biggest fear along with needles. And now her friends had gone through the same torment she was about to go though.

Mad had now come back over with a rubber helmet thing with a pointed edge. He placed it over Sarah's head and clipped it around her chin.

"This cap is going to help your head stay still during the procedure." He said as he connected it to the machine.

"Please don't do this, you don't need to- '' yzma then placed a piece of duck tape around her mouth.

"Now just keep your head still and it will be over before you know it." She said before clicking a button on the keyboard.

Sarah then felt a sharp pain sting through her skull. What she didn't know was that a red beam of light had shot through the machine right through her skull and into her brain. She could feel as it zapped different parts of her brain, copying her memory's and saving them in the machine's memory. Her face scrunched up in pain as she winced hoping it would stop. It eventually became too much and she passed out.

Authors notes: 2/20/23
Well Eveyone we are almost at the end of the book. You can all thank muppets from space for the idea of this chapter, which resulted in the story. Ya, it's not the best movie but in my opinion, it's the best muppet movie of all times!  Incase your wondering, this originally came from a dream, which turned into a very short and dum book about 6 years ago. Last year I started rewriting it till it turn into this 4 part sires. I promise it only gets better then this, for the next one takes us to Disneyland! But first we got about 4 more chapters left with Mybe 2 more updates.
As always I apreshate you sticking around and please keep reading

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