Chapter 7: a lesson with the devil.

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Warning: hand chocking occurs in this chapter, I will always let you know when a chapter can be sensitive and where it will be mentions. Once it is done I will let you know when that section is over with. I will use [] to inform you.

Sarah stood on the elevated platform, waiting for the measuring process to be done. This took several minutes, and Sarah was starting to get tired of standing. She hadn't moved in the past half hour, as cruella measured practically every inch of her body. Eventually they came to the last part, wingspan. But with her wrist chained together, it would be impossible to get an accretion measurement.

"Maleficent" Cruella called across the room "don't suppose you can help me with her wingspan". Maleficent made her way over to Sarah, grabbing the cuffs on her wrist.

"Don't try anything. Do so and I promise to make your life more miserable." She whispered before taking them off and grabbing a wrist in each hand. Sarah squirm a little as her arms were lifted up, allowing cruella to get an accurate measurement. Once done, her wrists were cuffed back together.

"That should do it." Cruella said as she wrote down the last measurement "if all goes according to plan, I should have the outfit done by tomorrow morning."

"Thank you Cruella." Maleficent said as she grabbed Sarah's arm once again. "Come along, you have somewhere else to be."

"Something else" Sarah complained "why can't I just go back to my cell?"

"Children, always one's to complain. Aren't I right, darling?" Cruella said as the two women began to laugh.

Sarah just looked at the floor as if she was being humiliated, which she kind of was. All villains ever though kids were, we're a troublesome, idiotic brats who deserved nothing. Mostly because the people they were defeated by were eather children or teeenagers.

After the two had a good laugh, Maleficent began pulling Sarah out of the room. The two walked over to the other end of the sewing room where a door was. Sarah took one last look at her fellow classmates befor Maleficent opened it and pushed Sarah into the hallway.

"Where are we going?" Sarah asked as they walked down the hall. But she received no answer. Eventually they reach another metal door, in which Maleficent punches in a code before the two entered.

The room looked like a college classroom. Long tables lined rows of step-like levels. Each had a tablet-like screen carved in them. There were about 10 rows, 5 on each side, that could fit about 10 students in each row. At the bottoms of the steps was a whiteboard as well as a rolled up projector screen. Next to the whiteboard was, what looked to be an office like room that had a glass window dividing it along with a door.

Maleficent had taken Sarah into the office. Inside was a man in a purple and black robe with a purple, red, and black hat. The door closed behind the two and the man turned around. Sarah's eyes widened at the sight of the man, recognizing him as judge Claud Frollo from the hunchback of Notre dame.

"Maleficent, I wasn't expecting you for another hour." His French accent was thicker than she remembered.

"Yes, it seems like someone has learned to listen to authority." The two's eyes hit Sarah who just looked around in confusion.

"Very well, what time would you like her back? I can keep her until six, it will give me more time to figure out what direction to go."

"That's alright with me. And if you have any trouble, do let me know." She gripped Sarah's chin, allowing their eyes to meet. "I'll be happy to teach her a lesson of my own. insert that right Sarah?"

Sarah huffed as she pulled her head out of Maleficent's grasp. Maleficent gave the two a quick smile before leaving.

"Now Sarah, why don't you take a seat and will get started" Frollo gestured to the small desk in front of his own. Sarah walked over to the small desk and sat down. It was like the ones back in her old classroom. One of those that the chair attached to the desk.

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